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Interfaces are basically outlines. They define methods which any and all subclasses need to implement. Since an interface contains no executable code, you cannot create an instance of an interface. You need to write a class to implement the methods before you can make use of it.

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A interface defines, which method a class has to implement.

This way - if you want to call a method defined by an interface - you don't need to know the exact class type of an object, you only need to know that it implements a specific interface.


interface Printer { public voidprint(String text); } class FilePrinter implementsPrinter { public void print(String text) { //append the text to a file } } class ScreenPrinter implementsPrinter { public void print(String text) { //write the text on the screen } } class SomeClass { publicprintSomething(Printer myPrinter) { myPrinter.print("Hello"); } }

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Q: What is the difference between classes and interfaces?
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