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Yes, this is true for the majority of senators and representatives (but not all of them, of course).
I'm not sure about having to be born in the states that they represent, but they do have to be a legal resident

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Q: Most senators and representatives are born in the states they represent?
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Who do senators and representatives work?

the people of their state--Gradpoint/Novanet answer

Are members of the House of Representatives appointed by the US Supreme Court?

Yes. From time to time senators leave office. Sometimes it's due to health,retirement or death. In most states, the governor is allowed to appoint a senator to finish the term.

Does a senator' constiency differ from that of a typical member of the house?

Senators are elected by state, not by district. (Most representatives represent only a portion of a state, though the least populous states may have only one representative.) For the majority of representatives, then, they are representing a fairly small (in population, not necessarily size) group of people, who are most likely rather more homogeneous in their culture, economic status, and interests than the constituency of a senator.

Who does the house of representatives primarily serve?

The House of Representatives serve the constituents they represent in their district. They are the most directly elected officials in the federal government, thus they more than any other federal elected official (Senators or President) represent the people.

Why do you have more than two senators in the state of Illinois?

Each state in the United States is allocated two senators to ensure equal representation in the Senate. However, states with larger populations have more representatives in the House of Representatives. Illinois, being the sixth most populous state in the country, has more representatives in the House but still has only two senators, like every other state.

Number of senators for California?

Every US state, including California , has two senators who represent in the Senate.

How does a typical senators constituency differ from that of a representative in the house?

Senators are elected by state, not by district. (Most representatives represent only a portion of a state, though the least populous states may have only one representative.) For the majority of representatives, then, they are representing a fairly small (in population, not necessarily size) group of people, who are most likely rather more homogeneous in their culture, economic status, and interests than the constituency of a senator.

How come California has two many senators but only two that go to Washington?

Like each of the United States, California has two senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein and they both go to Washington. You may be confusing "senators" in the Senate with "representatives" in the House of Representatives, which together make up Congress. Representatives are elected from the states' districts, the number of which may increase with population growth, hence the House is the most populous chamber of Congress while the senate will always have one hundred senators.

Which state has the most Senators?

California has 55 total Representatives.

What plan proposed a bicameral legislature with two senators per state and a house of representative?

on the contrary, the smallest number of representatives to the US congress is three... each of the 50 states is allowed to have an equal number of members in the senate, two, hence there is 100 senators... as to the house of the representatives, the number of each state's representative depends on the number of its population... for example, California is the most populous state hence its representatives to congress are 2 senators and i think around 50 congressmen whereas Alaska has 2 senators and 1 congressman...

What states have the most representatives?

The states with the larger population.

Does larger states have the same amount of senators as smaller states?

Larger States do NOT have more senators. Each state has 2 senators. The only thing that changes between states are the number of representatives that the state has. The number of representatives depends on the population of the state. Together this makes up the Electoral Vote for the presidential election. If a state, like in Massachusetts for example, if Mr. FlipFlop won the state then all the Electoral Votes for that state which is 12 go to the vote of that candidate. Te staes that presidential candidates want to win are Texas, California, Ohio, and Florida. They have the most electoral votes. ~Nicole, Age 12