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Between each vertebra are thick disks: these comprise of a thick wall on the outside, filled with a thick gel. This acts as a "shock absorber". Over the years these disks begin to wear out and flatten or possibly bulge out (like squashing a marshmallow). It just means that this is occurring at multiple levels in the spine.

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Q: Mulitlevel degenerative disk disease
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The presence of linear radiolucency in the disk space result in space narrowing with vacuum disc. It is associated with degenerative disk disease.

What is loss of intervertebral disk space?

If you get injured, like a herniation, bulged disk, degenerative disk disease, etc,... the space that the disk takes up begins to narrow. As time and age progresses, the space between the vertebras decrease. If you experience an injury such as a hernia, bulged disk, degenerative disk disease, etc,.. the space between the disks start to narrow. As time or age progresses, the space usually gets more and more narrower, sometimes adding pressure to the nerves, and causing some degree of pain.

Is there any other disorders like Sciatica with the same symptoms?

Possibly; Bursitis; Lumbar disk herniation; Degenerative nerve disease, etc....

What causes your neck to hurt and what can remedy this situation?

Cervical Degenerative Disk Disease. Physical Therapy and antiinflammatory medicine would help control the pain.

What is a ruptured disk?

The disks in question would be found between the vertebrae where they cusion the joint. Injury or degenerative disease will cause the surface of the disk to deteriorate and bulge. The bulging presses on nerves and can cause paralysis or pain.

Can a car accident cause a degenerative disk protrusion?

They may be a causative factor.

What is cpt code 72141?

CPT stands for Current Procedural Terminology. The CPT code of 72141 is for an MRI of the cervical without contrast. Some of the indications for this type of MRI exam are neck, arm and/or shoulder pain, numbness, degenerative disk disease and herniated disk.