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Possibly; Bursitis; Lumbar disk herniation; Degenerative nerve disease, etc....

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Q: Is there any other disorders like Sciatica with the same symptoms?
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Usually viruses cause cold-like symptoms, such as the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu, but, other diseases and disorders can also include similar symptoms and so can toxic effects from chemicals and drugs.

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In early childhood, exposure to lead or other toxins can cause ADHD-like symptoms. Traumatic brain injury or neurological disorders may also trigger ADHD symptoms.

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Many nervous disorders can produce symptoms like Tourette's. Extreme stress can resemble Tourette's. Sometimes autism spectrum disorders will result in Tourette's-like characteristics.

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The symptoms of common anxiety disorders are feelings of apprehension or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling tense and jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability, restlessness, watching for signs of danger and feeling like your minds gone blank.

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Sociopaths often have aggression (anger) disorders, other mood disorders like depression or Bipolar disorder, alcohol and drug problems, and other personality disorders like paranoid personality disorder.

How is sciatica a disability?

Sciatica pain may feel like a bad leg cramp that lasts for weeks or months before it goes away. You may have pain, especially when you sit, sneeze or cough. Discomfort ranges from mild to incapacitating, and may be accompanied by tingling, numbness or muscle weakness. Like the term slipped disc, sciatica pain is a term often misused to describe any pain in the leg that may originate in the lower back. True sciatica only involves pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve or its branches. Pain in the front of the thigh or groin, although possibly referred from the low back, is not sciatica. Sciatica is a set of symptoms not a diagnosis. This point is important, because treatment for sciatica pain will often vary, depending on what is irritating the nerve, causing the pain. You can read more on this topic in the related link below.

Who can't get the smallpox vaccine?

It's NOT for people with skin disorders, like eczema, and other immune disorders.

What other illness has morning sickness like symptoms?

Disorders that affect the stability of blood sugar levels can give you similar symptoms, like diabetes and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). One of the causes of morning sickness in some women is low blood sugar. Other disorders or diseases that manifest these symptoms are: The gastrointestinal flu. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Diabetes. Food allergies. Hiatal Hernia. Gastric Hyperacidity Syndrome. Stomach Ulcers. Gallbladder Disease. Cancer during chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Hepatitis. etc., etc., etc.

Are psychological disorders a disease?

The brain is an organ. If it is not working normally, than it has symptoms. Some diseases can be chronic or acute. A psychological disorder, like a phobia, can be acute in the sense that some are curable. A more serious diseases like Schizophrenia or Manic Depression are chronic- but their symptoms can be controlled. A disease has also been defined as "A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms." Other psychological disorders such as, post-traumatic stress, post-partum depression are caused by such things as environmental stress or a genetic defect. Schizophrenia is another example of being caused by an environmental stress or other causes. So, yes, psychological disorders are disease, as it is the brain- an organ- that manifests the symptoms.

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Spinal Stenosis, also known as spinal canal stenosis causes symptoms which may include spinal claudication, loss of bladder or bowel function, sensory changes in the lower back and perineal area, impotence and weakness in the lower limbs. Spinal claudication is buttock and leg pain coming on with walking and eased by resting not related to vascular cause.

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iliac nerve pain sciatica