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It probably is a swollen lymph node, which could be from a range of things. If you have a thyroid problem it could be from that, it could just be an infection and it could just be Allergies as well.

Here are some of the things that the swollen lymph node could be from:

  • common cold
  • infection
  • hyperactive thyroid / thyroid disease
  • lymphoma [ tumor in the lymph node]
  • gingivitis
  • viruses
  • mononucleosis
  • tonsillitis
  • Hodgkin's disease
  • Leukemia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Secondary syphilis
  • Yaws
  • Cat scratch fever/allergies
  • Lymphatic obstruction

[ Those are just some of the reasons they could be]

I would call the doctor immediately if you , cannot move your neck , if the overlaying skin is red, rapid increase of size with in a couple of hours, fever over 105, diffculting breathing and swallowing. If this is happening and you can't get a hold of your doctor, go to an emergency room!

If your lymph node is extremely tender to the touch , have a problem moving neck/head/arm/leg, increase to an 1 in or more , fever lasting more than 2-3 days, i would call with in 24-to 48 hours... if you cant move ur neck arm legs ect, call with in 24!

Honetsly, I wouldn't jump the gun and say this is cancer. Lymph Nodes stay swollen for a 2-4 weeks than eventually go down. I would still call your main physician and tell him/her your sympthoms and let them judge for you whether or not you should go in and see them.

If you want some of the pain to go down, get a hot wash cloth and put it over the bump... but please do not take aspirin when having this.

I also read that the more you touch it the longer it takes for it to return to a normal size... not sure if this is true but just in case...

Hope this is Helpful...

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11y ago
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19y ago

This is probably a swollen occipital lymph node. It is usually a sign of infection elsewhere in the body and occurs when your immune system is trying to fight the infection. Although it seems bony it isn't actually bone, it is just the abnormal swelling which makes it feel like this. Try putting "occipital lymph node" into a search engine for more information. See your doctor to make sure it is nothing serious, if it doesn't go down within a few days. If you also have a fever, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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18y ago

Not usually. People can get little bumps behind the ears and that is quite normal. Why, no one knows. The best thing is not to guess and get in to see the doctor so they can explain what it is. It isn't really anything to worry about, but anything out of the norm on your body should ALWAYS be checked out by your doctor. Marcy

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15y ago

I don't know but if it is able to move why don't you take it out?

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