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Q: Police officers do not need a warrant if they have consent to search?
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What if the officer used open hand search in their home?

Police officers are trained to use an open hand search when they are searching somebody for weapons. To enter the home, the police need to have a search warrant or the consent of the owner.

Can a minor give police officer the right to search their residence with a warrant?

There is no consent needed from anybody when there is a valid search warrant in play. The court gives the police the right to search by granting the search warrant.

Whats the Difference between search and arrest warrant?

A search warrant allows the officers to enter and search your home or office, whatever is specified in the warrant. An arrest warrant allows the officers to take the offender into custody AND search the area where the offender was located.

Do police need a search warrant in UK?

Yes all police officers need a search warrany in the UK

Under what conditions can the police search your home?

With a Warrant, consent, or exigent circumstances

What would be required of police to search a home suspected of containing marijuana?

Your consent, or a warrant.

What is a court order allowing an individual or his or her property to be searched or siezed is called?

When police officers have a court order to search a home or a person, it is called a search warrant. If a police officer has reasonable suspicions, then they can search a person without a search warrant.

When can you arrest someone for a felony with out a search warrant?

Yes. Enforcement officers do not need a search warrant in a variety of instances. If there is consent to a search, you do not need a warrant. If something is in plain view, you do not need a warrant. Also, warrants are not needed in emergency situations when the public safety is in danger.

Can the police use the threat of shooting your dogs to get consent to search your home?

I'm not sure I understand the question. The police are prohibited from making warrantless, non consenual searches. If you consent to let the police search your home, why would they want to shoot your dogs? Why wouldn't you restrain your dogs if you were allowing the police to search? If the police have a warrant to search the premises, they are absolutely authorized to destroy the dogs during the execution of the warrant, if necessary.

When armed with search warrant why is it important to also ask for consent prior to serving said warrant?

The question is framed INCORRECTLY. It is only necessary to ask for consent to search if the officers do NOT have a search warrant. In that instance, asking such permission would constitute a legal search and any illegal items they might find would be legally admissible in court. When they are armed WITH a search warrant, unless the officers simply feel like being polite (which we hope they always are) it is NOT required or necessary to ask permission of anyone to conduct the search.

Can police officers search a home where a felony probation person doesnt reside or was not present at the time of arrest?

Police officer with a search warrant can search any home regardless of the situation.

A search warrant was issued to your friend house and your truck was there can it be search?

No, because the warrant is for the house and house only. Although police officers would probably still search the vehicle, only to use the warrant as an excuse for an illegal contraband hunt.