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what are the differents between preindexing and post indexing?

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Q: Pre indexing post indexing difference between?
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What is the difference between pre-indexing and post-indexing?

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Pre-coordinate indexing involves assigning specific terms to documents before they are indexed, while post-coordinate indexing involves assigning terms after the documents are indexed based on their content. Pre-coordinate indexing can be more time-consuming but offers greater control over terms, while post-coordinate indexing allows for more flexibility in adding and changing terms.

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What are the differences between preindexing and postindexing?

post indexing First, the contents of the address field are used to access a memory location containing a direct address. This address is then indexed by the register value. pre-indexing An address is calculated as with simple indexing. In this case, however, the calculated address contains not the operand, but the address of the operand.

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The difference is tat the size changes a little, an also that Post 1981 pennies have had another meneral added to it

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Pre-test versus post-test.

Difference between pre testing and post testing?

Pre-testing is done before and post-testing is done after. They are typically done before and after a class to measure how much was learned. They can also be done to measure the effectiveness of certain training or therapy.

What is the difference between pre and post?

"Pre" refers to before a certain event or point in time, while "post" refers to after that event or point in time. "Pre" indicates anticipation or preparation, whereas "post" highlights what happens or has happened after the event.

Definition of pre-coordinate indexing?

pre-coordinate indexing system of indexing in which the preferred terms allocated to a particular document are syntactically combined in one or more sequences representing the only combinations available for retrieval purposes