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Pests and diseases and flooding being the major problems

low capital , Markets , Praedial Larceny, Equipment and technology, land ownership, lack or government assistance and low productivity being the minor problems.

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Q: Problems associated with peasant farming in Trinidad?
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What are the areas where peasant farming takes place in Trinidad and tobago?

At the bottom of hill, in marshlands and valleys.

What is the comparison between peasant farming an commercial arable farming?

peasant farming- small scale commercial farming-large scale

What type of farming do most people in Africa do?

peasant farming

What are some advantages of peasant farming in the Caribbean?

Some advantages of peasant farming in the Caribbean include providing employment opportunities, a source of fresh and locally grown produce, and preserving traditional farming practices and biodiversity. Peasant farming also contributes to food security and offers a sustainable livelihood for small-scale farmers in the region.

Characteristics of peasant farming?

Peasant Farming is firstly defined as the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals on a small scale. This farming industry occupies approximately two lots of land. Peasant farmers are found in markets selling produce and are also found in rural areas. They have small farming equipment mostly manual tools/ labor. Peasant Farmers face more problems with crop infestations, pests and diseases and massive loss of crop and animal. They use simple agricultural products to help the plants grow and prevent these problems from occurring. Most of today's farmers are peasant farmers. It provides a wider scale for agriculture without the need to pay taxes or suffer bankruptcy and losses by the hands of others.

What is peasant farming?

Peasant farming is the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals on a small scale. this farming industry occupies approximately two(2) lots of land.Peasant farmer uses simple tools in this agricultural system.

How is peasant farming different from agriculture producers?

peasant farming is not like afram for animls its a farm for people agriculture producers are people who grow plants and crops and raise animals

Differences between peasant and subsistence farming?

Peasant farming is the growing of crops and rearing of animals on a small scale mainly for sale while subsistence farming is the rearing of animals and growing of crops on small scale for personal or family consumption.

Problems in agricultural sector in the Philippines?

Unpredictable weather patterns, pests and diseases and lack of the modern farming tools are some of the problems facing the agriculture sector in the Philippines. The peasant farmers to not have access to modern tools and seeds.

What is it called when farmers raise crops or livestock to sell?

Peasant farming

Who did the farming in the medieval ages?

The peasant's or The serf serf is just a other name for peasant. The 'Serfs' did the farming on the lords land. the land the serfs farmed was a small bit of land that was giving to the people from the Lord.

What is a mixed peasant farm?

Mixed peasant farms are where farmers not only produce for their personal consumption but also for sale. Mixed peasant farming provides a healthy surplus of food for themselves, for sale, and for trade.