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the radio spiels ( a good German word- means both talk, play, game.) were called Fireside Chats. He coined this term, it was not used by any other politicians with the brief exception of President Carter in l976. Carter used TV and a fireplace was burning in the background, Mr. Roosevelt, of course was pre-tv for most media purposes it was only out as an experimental gadget at the time.

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because at that time roosevelt was sitting in a wheel-chair and so he thoght taht a apeance on tv ...will compromise his position

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Fireside chats.

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Q: What did President Roosevelt hold over the radio to help gain public support for his presidency?
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Who was the first president to rely on public opinion polls and to use radio as a form of mass communication with the public was?

Franklin D Roosevelt

The first president to rely on public opinion polls and to use radio as a form of mass communication with the public was?

John F. Kennedy

Is wamu a public radio station?

Yes, Wamu is actually a public radio station. In fact, it is an American university radio that are streamed from members that support it, which covers the Washington DC area.

Who was the first president to have the opportunity to use radio as a means of communicating with the public?

To the best of my knowledge - yes. This action kept the American people involved and hopeful throughout the depression. Actually, it was Franklin Roosevelt (FDR), not Theodore, who was president during the depression. He was the originator of "fireside chats" where he spoke to the nation regularly about the state of the country. He also read them the funny papers. On December 6, 1923, President Coolidge was the first president to have his inauguration heard on the radio and the first president to make a radio broadcast. The first presidential political speech on the radio originated from New York City and was broadcast on 5 radio stations. An audience estimated to be about 5 million people listened in to hear Coolidge speak. In Life and Time of Warren G. Harding: Our After-War President, historian Joe Mitchell Chapple provides a transcript of a Coolidge White House radio address from December 10, 1923. In this speech, which was broadcast nationally from the White House study, Coolidge eulogized his predecessor, Warren G. Harding, who had died the previous August. rosevelt was a not so good brodcasrter

How can you locate a dead beat dad?

The custodial parent can relinquish rights to child support payments by simply having such a statement notarized. This is not possible if there is a court order of child support in place. The custodial parent will need to file a petition in the court that issued the support order, the petition may or may not be granted depending upon the circumstances of the case. Furthermore, a custodial parent who voluntarily relinquishes the right to receive child support is not eligible for public aid.

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Which president was a conservationist?

The 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, was a conservative. During his presidency he protected approximately 230,000,000 acres of public land.

To what extent did the role of the federal government change under president Theodore Roosevelt regarding labor?

Trusts changed during President Theodore Roosevelt's presidency. It was called Roosevelt's Square Deal policy and it attempted to balance trusts and public control.

Who was the president that used the technique of popular mobilization?

Franklin D. Roosevelt is widely recognized as the president who used the technique of popular mobilization during his presidency. Through his fireside chats on the radio and his New Deal initiatives, Roosevelt sought to engage and rally the American people in response to the Great Depression and World War II. He utilized a strong communication strategy to connect with the public and gain their support for his policies.

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What president started public housing?

Franklin Roosevelt was President when the first federally-funded public housing was built in the US.

Did Theordore Roosevelt have polio?

No, you are thinking of Franklin D. Roosevelt! Although throughout his whole presidency he kept it a major secret from the public.

What president make thanksgiving a public holiday?

Franklin d Roosevelt

What did president Franklin Roosevelt attem to do in 1933?

calm the fears of the public.

What was unique about President Franklin D Roosevelt and how was it handled in public?

he had a wheelchair

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How do good communication skills help a president gain public support?

Which president believed in an activist government that was a steward of the public welfare?

Theodore Roosevelt

Did President Franklin D. Roosebelt hold rap sessions over the radio to help gain public support for his presidential programs?

Franklin D. Roosevelt did hold regular sessions over the radio to help gain public support for his presidential programs. It was a way to reach the masses.