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The emphasis on the role of government in people's lives implies that society has gone too far to ensure equality.

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Q: Read this passage from Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut And George while his intelligence was way above normal had a little mental handicap radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all?
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What science fiction book is about a boy with a mandatory handicap given to him by the government to create equality He later opposes it and I think he is killed but what is it?

Harrison Bergeron by Vonnegut

Why does the government handicap George but not Hazel in Harrison Bergeron?

George's intelligence was more than the average person, so the government made him wear a handicap. Hazel's intelligence was just average so she did not need a handicap.

What is George Bergeron required to wear in his ear?

George Bergeron is required to wear a mental handicap in his ear in the story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut. This device sent a sharp noise in his brain to keep him from being too smart.

How does george feel about his handicap in harrison bergeron?

he is upset, but curiously optomistic

What is the consequence for taking lessening the weight of the handicap bag in the story Harrison Bergeron?

In the story "Harrison Bergeron," the consequence for taking away weight from the handicap bag is that the protagonist, George, may not be able to fully counteract the physical handicaps imposed on him by the government. It may lead to him becoming more vulnerable to being punished for his natural physical abilities, such as strength and intelligence.

What examples of implicit and explicit characters from harrison bergeron?

an example of foreshadowing in harrison bergeron is when harrison takes off the handicap and nobody has ever done that ( to face the government) and we then know something big is going to happen... to the climax and which harrison faces the government and to start a revolution against handicapp and forced equality.

What does hazel say she would do if she were the handicap general in Harrison Bergeron?

I'd have chimes on Sunday-just chimes Kind of in honor of religion .

Examples of imagery in the story Harrison Bergeron?

The metal chain holding up the bulging bag that acts as a strength handicap on George and the ballerinasThe hideous mask on the strongest ballerinaHarrison's big, wavy glassesThe red nose, black tooth caps, and larger-than-normal mental handicaps Harrison wearsThe 300 pounds of unsymmetrical metal Harrison wearsHarrison's missing eyebrows

What is the Denouement of Harrison Bergeron?

The climax in "Harrison Bergeron" is the peak of the action. This occurs not when Diana Moon Glampers bursts into the auditorium and shoots Harrison and the dancer with her shotgun, but earlier when "A living breathing Harrison" suddenly appears.

What are metaphors in Harrison bergeron?

"The rest of Harrison's appearance was Halloween"

Dramatic irony in Harrison bergeron?

It is definetly Harrison vs. Diana Moon Glampers. This is so because she oppressed him by the handicap she put on him. To pay back, he wants to go against the government, but dies in the trying, meaning he lost.

What does George Bergeron wear as a handicap?

George Bergeron wears an ear radio that sends out signals to everyone that wears one. When one hears the noise sent out, their thoughts get mixed up, making them unable to think in long periods of time and "take unfair advantage of their brains". The type of handicap George wears is put on everybody with above average intelligence.