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Q: Seismic sea wave becomes more dangerous as it gets closer to shore and can be very destructive?
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Seismic sea waves becomes more dangerous as they get closer to shore and can be very destructive?

Its is called a Tsunami.

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Its at the museum at Viridian City. You have to cut down the tree the get in the other side of the museum. the man sitting closer to the door teaches you seismic toss.

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To become closer to Jesus means your relationship with Jesus becomes stronger.

Is it true seismic waves of an earthquake are greater closer to the surface of the crust near a city?

No, the location of a city is unknown by and irrelevant to the earthquake.

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The terrain becomes steeper.

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It becomes more windy.

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the shadow becomes bigger

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The plates get closer together.

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well you can tell if he starts flirting and then becomes youre boyfriend then moves closer and closer and then pukers.

Why does an area that is far from the epicenter of an earthquake generally has a lower intensity than an area closer to the epicenter?

The farther you go from the epicenter, the seismic waves become weaker.

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Science is simply destructive because of nuclear reactions and all kinds of storms! Then there's the sun's gravity pulling the nine planets in our Solar System closer to it a tiny bit every few years... Answered by: QWERTY

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0.08 is closer to 0 becasue rounded to one decimal place it becomes 0.1 therfore being closer to 0As 0.08 is a quantity of something it must be closer to 8 than it is to absolutely nothing