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That is very much a matter of opinion. From a practical, purely 'warfare' point of view many - even the British military - might consider it money better spent on other things; or in the case of the military, on weaponry much better suited and much needed for the British Army's mostly policing and peacekeeping tasks of today.

But being a nuclear power has political benefits in the eyes of the British government: you belong to an elite group of 'nuclear' countries; it justifies Britain's prestigious position in the UN Security Council; and it makes you generally being taken seriously on the world stage - exactly the reason why North Korea wants to be considered a nuclear country.

So it's practical and ideological arguments on both sides. You choose for yourself.

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Q: Should Britain spend 100 billion on renewing their nuclear weapons system?
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Did Britain have nuclear weapons?

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Does Britain have nuclear weapons?

Yes. Both strategic & tactical nuclear weapons. Great Britain has been a nuclear power since the end of the Second World War. The US & Britain cooperated in the secret nuclear program during WW2 that created the first atomic bombs.

How much does the U.S. spend on nuclear weapons per year?

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What the total cost of the US Nuclear Weapons Program through 1998?

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How many nuclear weapons does Britain have?

Between 150-250, but no more than 300.

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u.s.;china;russia;great britain;france;india;pakistan;israel

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Those that are nuclear, such as the nuclear bombs.

How much money has the US spent on Nuclear weapons?

4 trillion dollarsAnswer 2:Between 1940 and 1996 the estimated Minimum incurred costs of the US Nuclear Weapons programs is 5.821 Trillion dollars (source: Atomic Audit: The Costs of US Nuclear Weapons since 1940). Maintenance of the Nuclear Weapons alone cost 25 Billion dollars per year (not including guarding them, or secrets etc).

Where are nuclear weapons found?

In nuclear weapons depots.