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Q: Should a parent who says they are not the father in order to get out of paying child support be able to see the child when they know the child is theirs?
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Related questions

Are father and stepmom responsible for child support?

The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.

When the father turns 55 can he stop paying child support?

A parent's age has no effect on her/his child support obligation.

Can the father start paying child support at 15 and stop paying at 18?

Paying child support isn't really a matter of choice. Each parent is required to comply with the court order(s) in the case.

Do a father get visitation after they stop paying child support at age 20 for a handicap child?

Visitation should not be dependent on child support. How would the child feel losing the parent? Keep that issue in front of the judge.

Will a judge take custody away from the custodial parent if they can not financially support their child?

No, that alone is not a reason to terminate custody. The non-custodial parent should be paying child support.

If a child in Nebraska becomes a ward of the state and enters into a Residential treatment center program does the father have to continue paying child support to the mother?

If the father is paying child support, the child shouldn't be in a ward. I would highly doubt it though.

Can an adult sue a father for not paying child support?

No, the child can not. The other parent could before the child was an adult. The money goes to the parent to use for the child and not directly to the child.

Child disowns parent paying child support in Texas does parent have to pay child support?


If you are not the biological father of a child but the parent wants child support would you be liable in the state of Nevada for paying child support?

So what relationship are you to the parent or the child? If you were married when the child was born, you are assumed to be the father. Unless someone else is listed on the birth certificate, you're going to be expected to support the child.

Does the father have to have the mother's consent to quit paying child support?

The father has to have the court's consent to cease paying child support.

Can you sue your father for not paying child support at all?

No, but your mother can as long as she filed a petition for child support and he did not pay.Child support goes to the parent to use for the child's expenses, and not paid directly to the child.

Can one parent seize the payment of child support the other parent is paying?
