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flushing ones toilet paper depends on the grade, you shouldn't be throwing heavy or very course toilet paper into the toilet as it causes blockages. keep to thin toilet paper for when actually using the toilet and use the heavier and courser toilet paper for when drying your hands and put it into the basket.

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Q: Should you flush your toilet paper or throw it in the basket?
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Wrap them up in toilet paper or in a nappy bag and throw them away. Don't flush them down the toilet because they won't flush and will clog the loo.

Can you flush toilet paper?

You can flush toilet paper. Every body knows that!!!:)

Is it true the thicker the toilet paper the better chance you will have clogging your toilet?

No thick toilet paper is not responsible for clogging the toilet, Toilet paper of any thickness is designed to flush away.

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You will probably clog your toilet or pipes if you flush anything but toilet paper. I would not recommend trying to flush underwear down the toilet.

What happens if you don't flush a toilet?

Well, it depends how many times you don't flush a toilet. If you don't flush it one time, nothing happens. But if you don't flush it for a month or something, and then you finally flush it, it may get clogged with toilet paper.

What do you use the toilet paper for in riddle school 3?

flush it down the toilet in the boys bathroom and then click the flusher

How my group dispose toilet paper?

you can either flush it down.... or.. throw it in the bin.

How do you flush the toilet on poptropica?

To do that you must jump on the toilet by jumping on the toilet paper. But be careful. If you stay on the toilet paper for more than a few seconds you will fall off. :-)

Why can't you flush baby wipes down the toilet?

Most baby wipes will not dissolve the way toilet paper will. It can cause blockages in the plumbing.

Can paper towels be flushed?

It is not recommended to flush paper towels down the toilet as they do not break down easily in water like toilet paper. Flushing paper towels can lead to clogs in plumbing or sewer systems. It is best to dispose of paper towels in the trash.

Why does your toilet get cloged when you take poops?

there is an obstruction in the plumbing...