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Only if you are sure they will take it the right way.

They may get very angry at you and stop speaking to you.

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It may be helpful to express your concerns about their partner's behavior, using specific examples, and suggest that they seek professional advice or counseling. You should approach the topic with empathy and support, and be prepared for them to react defensively. Ultimately, the decision to label their partner as narcissistic should be left to a mental health professional.

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Q: Should you tell someone their partner is narcissistic?
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How should you react to inappropriate questions?

If someone asks an inappropriate question, it's best to set boundaries firmly but politely. You can directly tell the person that the question is inappropriate and you do not wish to answer it. If the behavior continues, consider removing yourself from the situation or seeking support from someone else.

Should you sue people for insulting you?

Suing someone for insulting you may not always be the best course of action. It is important to consider the emotional and financial costs of pursuing legal action, as well as whether the insult meets the criteria of defamation or harassment in your jurisdiction. Often, addressing the issue directly with the person or seeking mediation can be more effective in resolving conflicts.

How does psychology observe by behavior?

Psychology observes by behavior from watching people and their actions. The way something affects someone, or the way someone does a task, it can tell something about the person.

Im addicted ot self harm what should i do if i dont want to tell anyone about it?

The most favorable solution IS to tell someone about your problem. It may be an adult you trust (teacher, pastor, parent, friend's parent, etc), or your local mental health center or hospital. They can guide you through the necessary steps to get away from harmful behavior. If you absolutely connot tell someone, then the next best thing is to occupy yourself elsewhere when the urge arises to hurt yourself. Talk on the phone with someone, play a game, read a book, watch a movie, write about how you feel. Anything that takes your mind off of the current thoughts will help you forget about them. And, as with any addiction, the longer you're away from the source, the easier it becomes.

When is a good time to tell a joke?

A good time to tell a joke is when the mood is light and relaxed, such as during a social gathering, at the beginning of a meeting to break the ice, or when someone seems like they could use a laugh. It's important to be mindful of the context and audience to ensure your joke is well-received.

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say "I know you love them but they are not healthy for me to be around so please understand this when I won't go to their home."

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Very carefully. This is not a fetish many people are accepting of. Perhaps you should discuss this with a counselor for advice on how and when to tell your partner.

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No dwelling on the past. Old news! Today is a new day.No, you should not tell someone that you were a mistress to their partner.ANSWER:I'm not sure if this relationship is over because of the word " were", don't get me wrong, in my opinion only 2 way why you want to tell to a complete stranger, who you are or were, because the man stop and went back to her and you didn't like it. Or your feeling guilty and you want to stop but he don't. Either way, this will be your decision how to do the right thing. ..

When was Someone Should Tell You created?

Someone Should Tell You was created on 2006-11-20.

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You just have to be straight forward and honest - never be afraid to tell someone that something is hurting you.

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