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You ought to see your physician since the protein may just be exacerbating an underlying condition. Your body may not be able to handle the excess protein if you have something going on with your kidneys or another body organ. Take the pain as a warning sign and get yourself thoroughly checked by a doctor.

Is it a protein supplement that you are taking, or steroids? There are many dangers involved with the latter, and they seem to be effecting your body in a very negative way. Stop them immediately.

I think you should stop taking synthetic medicines for your body, instead add the organic foods as an alternative for that. with all natural substance, it will never harm your health and body.

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Q: Should you worry if you have pain in your abdomen back and testicles while taking protein supplements?
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Should bodybuilders take vitamin d supplements or should they abstain from all supplements?

No bodybuilders should not take vitamin d supplements. They should not abstain from all supplements either. They should take protein supplements in order to maximize their body's potential.

Is cheap protein worth it?

It depends on the brand. Protein supplements are not regulated by the FDA. You should look at a consumer reports type publication that objectively analyzes the content of these supplements.

Should you take protein at all?

You absolutely must have proteins in your diet, but protein supplements such as protein shakes and protein bars are not necessary if enough protein is consumed through normal food sources.

When should you take protein?

Everyone should eat foods rich in protein daily, but those who are attempting to build muscles often take extra protein supplements. When building muscles, protein should be taken throughout the day, and is effective taken before or after workouts.

Where can a vegan get protein from?

Tofu has protein as well as nuts, rice and vegetables. There should be no reason why a vegan would not consume enough protein out of their normal foods. It should not be necessary to take supplements although these are available from most health shops.

What weight gainer supplements should a skinny guy take?

The best place to find weight gaining supplements for a skinny guy would be a health store such as GNC. I would look for supplements with extra protein to build muscle.

What supplements do I need to support my muscles?

There are supplements for bodybuilding. Three of the best for anyone over the age of 18 are protein powder, flax seed, and green tea. One should always check with a doctor before taking any supplements though.

What foods provide good sources of protein?

Some of the best food protein sources are meats, eggs, dairy, beans and nuts/seeds. You should be ale to meet your daily protein requirements without turning to supplements.

Can you grow testicles?

You cannot "grow" testicles. But if you are male you should have testicles and they will develop as you grow.

Can diabetics consume protein supplements?

Protein supplements have become increasingly popular among people who are looking to boost their intake, including those with diabetes. However, it is essential to choose protein supplements carefully as some products may contain high amounts of sugar, which can be harmful to people with diabetes. Fortunately, there are sugar-free protein supplements available in the market, such as GRD Bix protein diskettes, that can provide an adequate amount of protein without causing a spike in blood sugar levels. These supplements are a great option for people with diabetes who are looking to increase their protein intake. It is also important to consider the type of protein supplements and the best protein powder for diabetes. Whey protein is considered the best protein powder for people with diabetes as they have a low glycemic index and absorb slowly. Helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels. But before incorporating protein supplements into their diet, people with diabetes should consult with a healthcare professional and use tools such as the BMI protein calculator to determine the right amount of protein intake for their individual needs. Additionally, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise routine to manage blood sugar levels and maintain overall health. GRD Bix protein diskettes are a good choice for diabetics looking for a sugar-free protein supplement with high-quality protein and no added sugar. It can help support muscle growth and recovery without causing a spike in blood sugar levels. You can buy GRD sugar-free protein online.

Can a male pot belly pigs be born without testicles?

I do not know the answer to this for sure, however, I recently took our 7 week old male pot belly pig to be neutered, and the vet cut where the testicles should be...and found none. She then cut higher and again found none what-so-ever. She stated that he was either born without both testicles (rare - less than 1% born without both testicles), or that they are in his abdomen. She then advised to keep an eye on him for another month and see if any testicles descend or if he becomes aggressive and gets that musky male odor that intact boars get. If so, we are to take him back and if no testicles have descended, then she will have to open his abdomen and look around in there to see if that is where they are. If she does not find the testicles there, then it will mean that he was born without both testicles. I would love to have a clear answer from someone "in the know" on this however. Thanks

Does drinking protein shakes at age 12 stunt growth?

I don't believe that protein shakes will stunt your growth. There are different types of protein shakes such as whey, casein, soy, and recently there is some buzz about hemp protein. Active people who are still growing should get most if not all of their nutrients from wholesome foods and not from supplements. For protein you should be having beef, chicken, and fish among other kinds of protein including healthy carbs and fats. It's usually only when you are competing at an elite level when you need supplements that can give you that extra edge.