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The US president serves for a four-year term and is paid around $400,000 per year plus expense money for state dinners and such.

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Q: Term and compensation for US President?
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What compensation does that us president receive?

$400,000 a year

What is the term for the US president and Mali president?

The US president has a term of 4 years and can serve 2 terms. The president of Mali has a term of 5 years and can serve 2 terms.

How much money does the president earn after his term?

AFTER HIS TERM, The US President earning is $200,000.00 and The US Vice president would earn $150,000.00

What are the terms for the president the house and the senate of the US?

The term for a US President is 4 years, with a 2 term limit. The term for a US Senator is 6 years, with no term limits, and the term for a US Representative is 2 years, also, with no term limits.

How long is a term of office for a US vice-president?

The term is four years and coincides with the president's term.

How is the term of a president?

US presidents have a 4-year term.

What term is used when referring to the presidents salary?

"Compensation" and "emolument." Article 2, Section 6 states that the president shall receive for his services a "compensation". Later in the section it states that the president shall not receive any other "emolument" from any state.

Is the compensation we allot the president reasonable?

The compensation we allot the president is reasonable as it is a sign of appreciation for the good work.

What is the term of the president in the US?

Four years

What is the term of office of the President of of the US?

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If you are president how many times can you run?

If you are currently in office as the US President, and your term is or has been more than two years, you can run for one more term. The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution, establishes a two term limit for the office of the US President.

What is the term of offices of the president of the US?

The President's term of office is 4 years. A person may be President for no more than 2 terms.