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It may or may not happen.

If it does, that moment will be called the "singularity".

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Q: That computers may surpass humans in intelligence?
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Why did computers intelligence difference from human intelligence?

With today's technology, Humans have more insight than computers and life appears to be more vivid than the computer's. But that may change someday (It will).

What can computers not do?

Nothing. With Computer you can do anything you want starting with a calculator moving through advanced accounting software ending with Artificial Intelligence in which computers may perform a sophisticated surgery.They cant make you warp through time and space

What is an artificial satilite?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the emulation of human intelligence of computers that have been designed to think and behave like humans. The word may also refer to any computer that displays human-like characteristics like learning and problem-solving.

What makes AI artificial?

There is just intelligence not "natural" and "artificial". The conceit of humans is that if they make the intelligence it is somehow inferior to their own. The label "artificial" maintains that illusion. Machine contained intelligence may well be much superior to our own meat based form..

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It will be done less by humans and more by computers themselves. We are teaching computers that humans are obsolete. ~ T

Conclusion for artificial intelligence?

artificial intelligence is a branch of science which deals with the helping of machines find solutions to complex problems... or... the study ofand design of intelligent agent and the engineering of making intelligent machines..

Can computers solve human problems how can they do it and why?

No, on their own computers can not solve the problems of humanity, only humans can do that. However, computers are powerful tools that can be used to model various aspect of the real world. If human have managed to to get these model correct then computers are now fast enough to calculate what these models will predict in the future. Armed with these predictions humans may be capable of making choices that help to solve human problems.

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Why aren't elephants smarter than humans?

Because they have no ability to think and act as humans.Answer:The intelligence of elephants is well known. Their brains are as complex and larger than those of humans. They exhibit many traits of human intelligent behaviour:grieflearningallomotheringmimicryartplaya sense of humoraltruismuse of toolscompassioncooperationself-awarenesssense of family and tribememorylanguageThe question is then"Are they smarter than humans." which presupposes that humans are the benchmark of intelligence. In that elephant intelligent behaviour exceeds human behaviour in many aspects in that they:don't kill or murderare loyalcan survive without technologydon't stealcare for their ill and agedit may be that they are smarter than humans.

What is the difference between artificial passenger and artificial intelligence?

The artificial passenger is a type of artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is defined by Webster's as: 1 : a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers 2 : the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. From that we can tell that any program that can strike up a conversation with a human (such as the artificial passenger) would be artificial intelligence. However, other things may also be considered artificial intelligence such as a computer that could make decisions for the government.

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The information and intelligence function may be organized in one of the following ways: