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I think the women should have been included in the fifteenth amedment. Because all people born in united states are citizen and have certain right like voting. Women also counts asacitizen and they should have the right to vote

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Q: Why were women excluded from the 15th amendment?
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Who is not included in the The 15th amendment?

Women were not included in the 15th amendment. Back then women did not have as much right as men.

Why did the suffrage amendment not allow blacks to vote?

If you're talking about the 19th amendment, it's because black (men) already had it. If you're talking about the 15th amendment, it explicitly forbid discrimination based on race at the polls. However, just because it was forbidden doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Are women allowed to vote under the 15th amendment?

No, the 15th Amendment allowed all males to vote (the amendment was intended to allow African Americans to vote). Women could not vote (in most circumstances) until the 19th Amendment.

What did the 15th amendment not do?

The main idea of the 15th amendment was to give African Americans the right to vote. (Relates to the 13th and 14th amendment) It did not give the African American Women or neither the white women the right to vote (until the 19th amendment)

How did the women receive the right to vote?

Women received the right to vote in 1920. The 19th amendment was made into law especially for the right for women to vote. The 15th amendment is for other races to vote.

Why did many women rights advocates not support the fifteenth amendment to the us constitution?

Many Women did not support the 15th Amendment because it stated that no government could deny the right to vote based on race, color, or previous servitude, but not sex. The creators intentionally left out the word sex so that women still would not have the right to vote, with the addition of only the word sex in this amendment, women all across the nation would have been given that right.

What groups were against the 15th amendment?

Many women were because it didn't give them the right to vote. (The Fifteenth Amendment gave African American men the right to vote).

What amendment says the all citizens were able to vote?

The 15th amendment gave African Men the right to vote, and the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote.

What amendment freed all slaves in the US?

The 15 amendment gave African American men the right to vote; the 19th amendment expanded it to women (both black and white women).

The 15th amendment enabled blacks to?

The 15th amendment enabled blacks to vote.

What arguments did the 15th amendment have against it?

The 15th Amendment was controversial when it first appeared and angered many citizens. They felt that they were know second class citizens to minorities.

How does the equal rights movement compare to the 13th amendment?

I'm certainly no expert, but I believe the equal-rights movement was the fight for women to be allowed to vote (which wasn't put into actuality until the 19th amendment), while the 13th amendment freed the slaves. (The 14th then declared them citizens, and the 15th gave them the right to vote.) Keep in mind, though, that only black men were granted citizenship and voting rights, since women were still excluded until the 19th amendment. I hope that helps!