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Before the revolution or after

Before Great Britain

After us or our congressmen... But we had more saying back then

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Q: The 13 colonies were originally ruled by?
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The original 13 colonies were ruled by what European country?

the original 13 colonies were ruled by what European country?

What country ruled the original 13 American colonies?

Great Britain ruled the 13 original American Colonies.

What were colonies ruled by England?

The 13 colonies. New York, Virginia, Georgia, etc.

Who ruled America before 1776?

America was not a nation prior to 1776. Portions of it were originally ruled by Native Americans and later by European colonists. The 13 colonies that became the United States of America was ruled by Britain directly before they declared their independence in 1776.

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What country ruled the thirteen conlonies?

Prior to the American Revolutionary War, the 13 colonies were ruled by England.

Who is the king ruled the 13 colonies?

his nme is king goerge 3

Who is the king of all 13 colonies?

The thirteen colonies were ruled by George III at the time of the American Revolution.

How many original colonies did the US originally have?

There were 13.

How many original states where their in the US?

There were originally 13 colonies in the US.

What are the 13 colonies Britain ruled?

The original 13 colonies that were ruled by Great Britain are Georgia, North and South Carolina. New York, Delaware, Rhode Island, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey are the remaining original colonies.

Was Georgia originally part of the 13 colonies?

Yes, I believe Georgia was the last of the original 13.