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Know one really knows where viruses come from. By the way, there are a little over 300 different cold viruses. Once you have one of these, you are immune to it, and won't catch it again. That is also why there is no cure for the common cold - you can't make a vaccine for that many diseases all in one immunization.

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Virus attacks your computer when you go to a certain website where they place the virus in some of the files.

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Q: The common cold is caused by a virus where did this virus come from?
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Where did the common cold come from?

The common cold is caused by a virus passed from person to person. This rhinovirus is the virus that causes the common cold.

Can virus come in real life?

Yes, viruses are affecting people all the time, the common cold is a virus.

What are the risk factors for the common cold?

Although it is not true that getting wet or being in a draft causes a cold (a person has to come in contact with the virus to catch a cold), certain conditions may lead to increased susceptibility.

What are fever blisters caused from?

A fever does not cause fever blisters, just like a cold doesn't cause cold sores (they are the same thing) but if infected with the Herpes Simplex I virus, a person's immune system is compromised and the virus can come out of its dormant stage. Too much sun, stress, certain foods, suppressed immune system are a few of the predisposing factors that can bring the Herpes Simplex Virus I out of its dormant stage. Remember once you have the virus, you will always have it. There is no cure.

How do you prevent catching a cold?

By direct contact with a sick person who has a cold, or by touching things they have touched or drank from, etc., and by their respiratory droplets containing the virus particles that come out with coughs and sneezes. If you breathe this, the virus can enter your body. If you touch where the droplets land after they fall from the air, or if you breathe the droplet-containing air, you can become infected with the virus that causes colds. Once you have the virus on your hands, it is just a matter of a short time before most people have touched their own mucous tissue. It is then that the virus is able to attach to the cells in the mucous tissue and begin the process of reproduction called the Lytic Cycle. See the related question below for more detailed information about the Lytic Cycle of virus reproduction.

Can you get the flu from being in the cold?

Yes, it is possible but infrequent in otherwise healthy people. Usually the body is infected with only one virus at a time. But, unless you are immune to that particular virus, it is possible to become infected at any time, regardless of whether you are already sick. The immune system produces various antibodies, so if you are sick with a cold your immune system has already started producing more antibodies, some of which indiscriminately attack all foreign invaders. This is probably why, once you are sick with a cold, you are less likely to get the flu or anything else at the same time since the immune system has already been alerted and is working hard. However, it is not impossible, it has happened. You will know if you get both. Cold symptoms will pale in comparison to the flu and the flu will come on abruptly. What felt like just congestion and a runny nose will turn into a pounding headache, cold sweats, muscle aches and possible nausea. Moreover, the flu symptoms will probably end before the cold does.

Can you catch a cold from sitting in a cold room for hours every day?

No, unless it is cold enough for you to get hypothermic or if you are hovering close to other people who carry a virus you catch when you are trying to stay warm. You do not get a cold or the flu from being cold in an office or outside or in a computer room kept cold, etc. They are caused by viruses. You only catch a cold or flu from a virus, not from the temperature.

Why do women get cold sores?

They are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus. We get them by being infected by someone else who is sheding the virus - probably being kissed by someone when you were very small. Once infected with the virus you may have periodic outbreaks or the virus may remain dormant. No one really knows what causes the virus to migrate and reproduce but is has been linked to stress, infections, menstruation, hormone changes and certain foods. Generally the advice not to pick at your cold sore is good, if you get virus particles on your fingers you can spread them to other warm moist parts of your body and cause more infections there, or you could pass them on the other people. It is also a good idea to dry your face with paper towle when the cold sore is active. That way the virus particles can be disposed off and won't come in contact with your eyes.

Where do cold sores come from?

The root cause of a cold sore is the virus known as the herpes simplex virus. There are eight types of this virus but only two of them are the ones which have been known to answer the question of why do people get cold sores. These types are the herpes simplex type 1 and 2. Why do people get cold sores? People get cold sores when the virus becomes triggered and begins to replicate themselves. They do this replication process commonly on the upper portion of the lip or on the nose. This is basically why people get cold sores. What most do not know about is that stress is the primary reason that causes cold sores to just break out. Most common are illnesses and injuries that cause stress and will in effect cause the virus to wake up. Why do people get cold sores when they have flu or with too much exposure to sunlight? Cold sore viruses tend to replicate in an environment that is warm. If you get yourself too much exposed to heat, chances are, you will get to experience a cold sore. Herpes virus lays dormant on nerves and when triggered by stress, it travels along the nerve to the lips, nose, face and other areas of the body (wherever the initial site of exposure) and one experiences an "outbreak." It is possible to have Herpes Simplex Virus I and II on any area of the body. The usual transmission is by direct contact with a sore from a person who has Herpes. There is evidence that the virus is transmitted by saliva or mucus membranes for several days before the person develops a sore. (The classic example is a kiss from dear old Aunt Hilda or parent, grandparent, etc.) The virus can also live on moist towels for an unknown amount of time. Because it is a virus, it requires living cells to replicate. The tricky part is determining when the virus is no longer viable when in contact with items such as moist towels.Cold sores come from being exposed to the herpes virus HSV-type 1.

What is an idiom expression for are you getting cold?

"Catching a cold" is an idiom - it means to come down with the symptoms of the cold virus.

You went down on a girl and you have a cold sore but it hasn't broke and it is not like other cold sores which just come up split scab then disappear this is just been a little lump. did i give her?

First off, most cold sores are caused by a Herpes Simplex virus, this is not the same as the virus that causes genital herpes. So, no, you may have given her the Herpes simplex, but it is not the same as what you are worried about. In fact, most of the population is now born with a herpes simplex, it is basically unavoidable.

Will cold weather make your check engine light come on?

Cold weather can make your check engine light come on for various reasons. It could be caused by low fluids or a sensor.