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He needs to keep a daily journal involving his contact with the children. In 6-12 months, file a motion to modify custody to joint legal or joint physical custody, but he needs to be ready for her response by cutting back or cutting off his contact with the children. It is important that he interview and hire the right attorney, after he has gathered his evidence.

If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. There's an educational manual in the file section that can teach you what you need to know. The organization it came from is defunct due to attorneys that tried to take it over and make money from it.

Take the time to learn what you can and should do.

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Q: The ex wife got sole custody but now the ex wife is getting child support and wanting the father to watch the kids like the father got joint custody how should the father go about the visitation?
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Why do some women stop men from seeing their kids?

It can be anger, punishment, jealousy, wanting to protect the child etc. The reasons differ from case to case but this is where the law comes in and protects the child's right to both parents. None of the parents can go against a court ordered visitation or custody. And there seems to be a misunderstanding that visitation is something you only get if you can pay child support, as a reward or something. This is not true and the issues are two different ones when addressing them in court.

What rights does a thirteen year old have regarding wanting nothing to do with her father?

In most states the minor under age 14 cannot chose to see or not see said parent. Especially if parents are divorced and have either joint custody or some type of visitation worked out in the court order. However if daughter is under full custody of mother and does not wish to see the father and no visitation rights have been rewarded to the father the daughter does not have to see him. Most time the courts will decide visitation rights and so forth.

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He would have to petition the court. Unless the mother is unfit though he will get shared custody.

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Depends on your reasons for wanting this.

Can you move in with your grandparents at age 15 without your dad wanting you to?

no, you can't.I'd your father has legal custody over you, you must live where he says no matter what - until he no longer has legal custody.

What if the children 13 and 11 do not wish to have visitation with their father?

You cannot force her to go and don't make her but what you should do is find out why she does not want to see her as sometimes (heaven forbid) they are being abused in some way or another and of course it could just be rebellion if he is just strict.

Why do women get sole custody rights over men?

Background:It's not a matter of courts "siding with the mother". There are reasons why mothers are more often granted physical custody of young children.Up to and through the early twentieth century fathers were typically favored by law for child custody if the marriage ended. That custom gradually changed since the courts had to acknowledge that the mother was the primary care giver and she should keep raising the children in their tender years. That presumption gave way to the best interest of the child doctrine in the 1970s. It is a fact of family life that mothers usually provide the day to day, primary care of their children even if they work outside the home.Today many fathers take an active role in raising their children. If the father was the primary caregiver then he should be considered for primary custody since caregiving should be the main qualification for awarding physical custody along with a healthy, stabile and safe environment. Fathers who have taken an active role in caring for their children are getting custody more often. A father who wants custody must consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues who can review the situation and explain the father's rights and options.Generally, shared parenting is the best possible solution. Fighting over custody often has other motivations at its root such as wanting to hurt the other parent, wanting to maintain control and wanting to avoid paying child support. The mother is often the target in custody battles and those battles can set the stage for years of legal wrangling.

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Not wanting to. Not wanting to take the risk of getting caught and having a criminal record Not wanting to inflame the lungs if you smoke it.

Does a teenager have a say in a non custodial parent wanting visitation and the teenager says they dont want to see the non custodial parent?

They have an opinion, which could be a sign of parental alienation, or just being a teenager not wanting to be told what to do. see link

Does father have rights if he hasn't seen child for 10 years?

That depends on the laws in your state and whether or not the father has otherwise participated in the child's life, either by paying support or other expenses. There may be circumstances where it would be impossible for a parent to maintain visitation rights but still do other things that establishes their parental rights. You would need to contact an attorney specializing in family law in your state of residence for specifics. If the father has had absolutely no contact with or provided support for a child for 10 years and suddenly re-enters the picture wanting contact/visitation, it is your right to petition the court for retroactive child support and get a custody/visitation agreement worked out based on the same. Ultimately, this would, or should, be something decided by the courts if you are unwilling to reintroduce the absentee father into your child's life. An absence of that long with no contact or support would be considered abandonment in all 50 states and grounds for termination of parental rights (this is not assumed, it is something that would have to be established in court). If you did not do that, the court will ultimately decide what is in the best interests of the child, not what is in the best interests of either parent, and decide accordingly.

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