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there were the minotaurs minuons

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Q: The number of young men sacrificed to the minotaur?
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How many men were sacrificed for the minotaur?


How many women were sacrificed to the minotaur?

According to the story of Theseus, Athens was required by Minos of Crete to send 7 young men and 7 young women to be a sacrifice for the Minotaur. It was during the third such event that Theseus slayed the Minotaur. So as few as 14 and as many as 21.

What was Theseus doing before he killed the minotaur?

He was being sacrificed to the minotaur. The idea was that seven men and women were sent to be sacrifced to the minotaur and Theseus volunteered because he planned to kill it.

What a Minotaur is?

The minotaur is a creature from greek mythology, half bull and half men.

What did the minotaurs eat?

The myth of Theseus says the the Minotaur ate young people from Athens. King Minos won Athens and forced the king to give up seven young men and seven young maidens each year to feed the minotaur.

What is sacrificed to replicate the sacred fire from Olympus for the inauguration of the Winter Carnival?

To replicate the sacred fire from Olympus for the inauguration of the Winter Carnival, a group of senior men sacrifices a young black bull.

Who held the minotour in the labyrinth?

The labyrinth was created by the inventor Daedalus, and was then kept in the maze by King Minos of Crete. King Minos used the minotaur as sacrifices of young men.

What is the phone number of the Young Men'S Library Association in Ware?

The phone number of the Young Men'S Library Association is: 413-967-5491.

Where did the story Theseus and the Minotaur take place?

King Minos lived in ancient Crete. He attacked Athens to take young men and women as food for his pet monster.

Why was Minotaur a symbol of the Minoan people?

Well, Minoans were skilled bull leapers. Young men and women would grab the horns of a charging bull and use their horns to propel themselves up and over the raging beast. This then later ties into the Minotaur, who was half bull and half human.

Why Daedalus regret building the labyrinth for king Minos?

In the Hellenistic versions of the Minotaur myth, Daedalus was Athenian. It bothered him that the prison he built for the Minotaur was also used to imprison young Athenian men and women to serve as sacrifice for the monster. He probably regretted it more when he was imprisoned in it himself, through.

What tributes did Crete demand from Athens?

In Greek mythology, young men and women were sacrificed and offered in tribute to Crete from Athens in relation to the Minotaur.This occurred every 9 years and 7 men and women were offered.