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Q: The social contract theory does not allow the governed to invalidate its agreement with the government true or false?
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Does the social contract allow the governed to invalidate its agreement with the government?


How is the government and social contract connected?

The government and social contract are connected in that the social contract theory posits that individuals consent to give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and support from the government. This agreement establishes the foundation for the relationship between citizens and their government, with the government expected to uphold its responsibilities in providing security and services while citizens obey the laws and contribute to society.

What is a tacit agreement between the governed and government?

The Decleration Of Independence

What is the Social Contract?

The social contract was a theory where the people give up sovereignty/freedom to the government to maintain social stability. The main philosophers associated with the social contract were Locke, Rousseau, and Hobbes.

What statement best describes a social contract?

An agreement between people to follow laws and to be governed by a leader or leaders

What is John lockes social contract?

john Locke's social contract theory states that people consent to be governed by a society's government. The government must also protect the people's rights.

Which phrase accurately describes jean Jacques Rousseau's concept of a social contract?

An agreement between people in a society to give up some of their rights in order to form a stable government apex

Of the four major theories of government only this one focuses on protecting the rights of the governed?

Social contract is the only government theory that focuses on protecting the rights of the governed. The other theories of government are divine right, force, and evolutionary.

What is the social contract theroy?

The idea of the social contract theory is that individuals consent to the surrender of some of their freedoms when they submit to the authority of a ruler. This submission is in exchange for protection the all rights remaining.

The condition of being governed is termed?

the condition of being governed

What principal states that government authority is derived from the people?

The principal is known as popular sovereignty. It asserts that the power and legitimacy of a government come from the consent and participation of the governed population. Therefore, the government rules with the consent of the people.

What does the term consent of the governed mean?

The consent of the governed and the social contract are both philosophies by John Locke. They state that a government's citizens agree to give up some of their personal freedoms for their protection by the government.