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Hannibal was not cannibal but this was one of the nicknames that he had. He had stayed in Italy for 13 years and went back to Africa to defend them.

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Q: Did Hannibal eat people
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Why did Hannibal lecture like to eat people?

Aside from merely enjoying the taste; or performing the world a service by eating certain people that were a faulty annoyance, it is never entirely explained as to just why he likes to eat people. -- It does however make a little more sense after reading/watching Red Dragon.

Can pigs eat people?

Yes, pigs have been known to eat human flesh when starved. Like its portrayed in movies such as in the Hannibal Lecter film and the movie Snatch.Farm pigs don't really eat people because they are not wild. If it's a wild boar, it might eat you for food.

Is Hannibal supposed to be scary?

no,only for the roman people.

What are some adjectives that describe Hannibal and begin with the letter H?

Hannibal was harsh. Hannibal was harmful. Hannibal was heartless. Hannibal was horrifying.

What did Hannibal do when he heard of the fate of Carthage?

When Carthage was destroyed and its people sold into slavery in 146 BCE, Hannibal had been dead for nearly 40 years.

Why Does Hannibal Lector Wear A Mask?

To keep him from biting other people.

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Hannibal it was actually Hannibal rising

What Roman general attacked Carthage?

Scipio Africanus.

Is Hannibal single?

No, Hannibal is not single.

Where is the Hannibal Free Library in Hannibal located?

The address of the Hannibal Free Library is: 162 Oswego Street, Hannibal, 13074 0174

Was Hannibal Lector still killing people during the Holocaust?

he is a fictional character.

Why did roman people fear Hannibal?

The Roman people feared Hannibal because he was a Carthanian general and Carthage was the stronges place to live at the time. Carthage also had elephant had elephants in their army which can make a big difference in a battle.