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"Braveheart" is a term generally connected to Robert the Bruce's heart.

Not so. This correction is itself based on a fallacy. While Sir James Douglas' mission furth of Scotland with King Robert's heart in a silver casket is historical, the gesture with the casket is purely legendary as are any words ascribed to Douglas in his fatal encounter with the Moors of Granada. In any case, the poems that gave rise to this myth either describe the gesture as occurring at the beginning of the battle at Teba or repeatedly in numerous battles in the Holy Land. In each case Douglas recovers the heart and rides on. In no version of Douglas' speech does the term 'Braveheart' appear.

Sir Walter Scott was responsible for creating the story of Douglas, in extremis, hurling the casket with Bruce's heart into the midst of the enemy, which appeared in his 'Tales of a Grandfather' (1827).Logic inconveniently suggests that, the only surviving witnesses of the fight being Andalusi or Berber soldiers, no one would have understood Douglas' last words, far less recorded them for posterity.
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Q: Was the name braveheart actually assigned to William Wallace or was it a mythical pseudonym for Robert the Bruce?
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