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What You Can Do: It may seem like you cannot do anything to stop oil spills. But you can. If you see an oil spill, report it to the government as soon as possible. Less oil is used when people conserve energy by driving smaller cars, using public transportation or alternatively-fueled vehicles or other ways of travel, like walking and bicycling. Instead of dumping used car oil on the ground or down a sewer, people can take the oil to certain service stations to be disposed of properly or recycled. If you change you own oil in you car, make sure you place a container on the ground under the engine to catch any spills. An old cookie sheet works well. Also, people can conserve energy in their homes, too. If everyone used less oil, fewer tankers would sail the seas. This could reduce the risk of oil spills. we must go green!!!

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13y ago

One solution is to demand clean energy alternatives, so that we won't have to face a disaster like this again. If you are interested in advocating for clean energy, you can join in the rally in DC this Labor Day weekend.

The Spill onto the Washington Mall rally grew out of the collective action taken against BP as a result of the explosion. First, we started boycott pages on Facebook. Then we took to the streets, gas stations, and beaches. After many of the boycott managers got to know each other, we thought that more needed to be done. The rally grew out of those conversations.

We never ask who anyone votes for or what party anyone usually backs. We realize it's time for us to stop seeing each as enemies enemies, and that partisanism is a strategy to keep us divided. All are welcome no matter the background, skin color, age, religion, sexual orientation, family status, disability, gender, or species. Bring your children, signs without sticks, tents, food, and voices.

We will meet on the Ellipse, in Washington D.C., next to the White House, from the morning of September 3rd until the morning of the 5th keeping the president's kids up, sorry girls, with speakers, bands, workshops, the Wall of Shame Gallery of bp posters, kids' tents, tabling and more.

We will no longer take a Washington that is so infiltrated by corporate control that we no longer know exactly who runs this country. We will tell them how to vote on bills, and expect strong legislation that suits the will of the people not wealthy campaign contributors and law makers with conflicts of interests between their money sources and the people. BP, you've become the poster child of corporate waste, abuse, incompetence, greed, and class divide.

Gulf residents have begun evacuating of their own accord due to the health effects of toxic air. Let's go for them, the animals, and the planet.

They have a Facebook group you can search for.

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the Exxon Valdez spill happened before the BP oil spill. and the they are the same because they are both an oil spill

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yes the oil spill was capped

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