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AnswerWe know with certainty that people have lived on earth for millions of years now, so anyone supposedly created six thousand years ago could not possibly have been the only people on earth.

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According to The Bible, YES, at one time, Adam and Eve were the only humans on earth.(Genesis 2:7,8,18, 21, 22)(Genesis 3:20)

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14y ago

Maybe, if you were to take a radical view on possible translations of the meanings of at least one of the words in the Biblical story. At the time of the creation of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, there were not the vowel signs as we have today. There is evidence in the Septuagint that there were sometimes a confusion between different words that mean different things but have the same consonants. In Genesis 3:11, God says to Adam.". . .who told you that you were naked?" The word translated as naked is normally considered to be from the Hebrew word pronounced, `eyrom, or the consonants transliterated, Mrye, read right to left, with M being the final letter in the word. Strangely enough, there is a different word that is spelled the same if you just look at the consonants. This is the word, `ayir, which can be translated as, of the city. So how would it change the meaning of the story of the startling realization of Adam and Eve, if a mistake had been made in the Greek translation done so many hundreds of years ago, that the modern translations are so heavily dependent on? Adam and Eve are happily living in the Garden of Eden, believing they were special people who were made by hand, by God Himself. One day they have an epiphany that outside the Garden was a city full of people just like them, with the difference that they wear clothes. Confused and frightened, they hurriedly manufacture a type of clothing from materials at hand. They feel they must wear something in order to be presentable to God and that what they had was inadequate and still felt unfit.

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14y ago

Anything is possible. The Bible was written by people and as we know- people can't be 100% right all the time so statistically and logically, the Bible could have discrepancies. Also, the Bible is free to interpretation. Maybe Adam and Eve are the names of the first two nations or the first two groups of people.

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6y ago

Briefly, Genesis reports that God created man directly, forming him out of the elements of the earth and then proceeded "to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul." (Gen. 2:7)

The Creator also made a woman, Eve, and presented her to Adam as a permanent mate. We read: "That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh." (Gen. 2:24)

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14y ago

For some long time to come, there will continue to be confusion on this question. Biblical tradition has always stated that the world was created in an act of Special Creation some six thousand years ago, but scientists now know that the world is immensely old and that humans began to evolve around seven million years ago.

If we accept the biblical story that Adam and Eve lived around six thousand years ago then, yes, there were other people at that time. Science tells us so.


Initially Adam was the only human, but was soon joined by Eve. As their descendants multiplied, there were many people living in the world with them since life-spans were very long at that time.

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6y ago

In the first story of creation in the Bible the god made man an woman together in the general male and female effort. In the second he made Adam then created Eve later. The fate of Woman#1 is never discussed by tradition has it that she was called Lillith. For your reference first story is Genesis 1:1 thru Genesis 2:3; the second story picks up at Genesis 2:4 and runs to the end of the chapter at Genesis 2:25..

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13y ago

No, there was not anybody on the earth before Adam and Eve.

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Q: Were there other people with Adam and Eve?
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