

What According to Miss Maudie could Atticus do?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What According to Miss Maudie could Atticus do?
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Miss Maudie shuts up the woman who was making the veiled criticisms of Atticus.

Why according to miss Maudie does Atticus only shoot in emergencies?

Miss Maudie believes that Atticus only shoots as a last resort in emergencies because he values life and respects the power of a gun. Atticus prefers to use his intellect and moral principles to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence.

What does atticus save from ms Maudie's house?

Atticus saves the family photo album from Miss Maudie's house fire.

What part of the book did Atticus save miss Maudie rocking chair from the fire?

Atticus saves Miss Maudie's rocking chair from the fire in Chapter 8 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" when Miss Maudie's house catches fire and the neighbors help to salvage her belongings. Atticus carries the rocking chair to safety before it is destroyed by the flames.

What did Atticus save for Miss Maudie?

he saves her rocking chair from the fire.

What kind of person does miss Maudie say that atticus is?

Miss Maudie describes Atticus as "the same in his house as he is on the public streets." She emphasizes that Atticus is genuine and consistent in his beliefs and actions, showing integrity and moral courage in all aspects of his life.

Who is it miss Maudie says really wants justice?

Miss Maudie says that Atticus Finch really wants justice. Atticus is known for his strong belief in fairness and the importance of upholding justice in the community.

Who says this in To Kill A Mockingbird 'If your father's anything he's civilized in his heart'?

Miss Maudie says this about Atticus Finch in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." She praises Atticus for being a respectful and fair-minded man who upholds moral values in a civilized way.

What important things about Atticus do you learn from miss Maudie Atkinson In the book to kill a mockingbird?

Miss Maudie Atkinson reveals that Atticus is a moral and compassionate man who believes in treating everyone with respect and fairness. She recognizes his strong sense of integrity and his commitment to standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Miss Maudie also highlights Atticus's humility and his belief in the importance of empathy and understanding towards others.

Why does miss Maudie believe that appointing atticus was no accident?

Miss Maudie believes that appointing Atticus as Tom Robinson's lawyer was not an accident because she knows that Atticus has a strong sense of justice and integrity. She trusts that Atticus will do his best to defend Tom Robinson fairly, regardless of the prejudice and racism present in the community. Miss Maudie understands that Atticus was chosen for his moral character and dedication to the truth.

Who is Miss Maudie directing her remark to in her quote sometimes the Bible in the hand?


What neighbor lady has the most respect for Atticus?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the neighbor with the most respect for Atticus Finch is Miss Maudie Atkinson. She appreciates his integrity, courage, and dedication to justice. Miss Maudie often defends Atticus and serves as a supportive figure for Scout and Jem.