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Do you really have to ask this question? Its just good hygience to change your underwear... after a daily shower... yeast infections, sweat, rash, odor, urinary tract infection,,, they are all possibilities... man just change them.... for real...

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Q: What Is the risk of wearing the same underwear?
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No. If you do not know how babies are made you should not be fooling around at all...

Why do girls sometimes wear no underwear?

Some people are more comfortable not wearing underwear.

How the penis can be make tight?

By wearing the right underwear....I will recommend natural pouch underwear.

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What do they say about a girl wearing red shoes?

It means that they are not wearing any underwear

Can virgin get pregnant with clothes on?

If she is wearing a dress and no underwear, yes. If she has underwear on, no? so basically if you have no underwear on your screwed? and you have a 50% chance?

Why do some bratz dolls have underwear printed on the plastic?

because it is more appropriate then wearing no underwear

Do you wear underwear under a toga?

No of course not! Underwear wasn't invented until the late 1880's and 2000 years ago Greco-Roman togas were used without underwear. Wearing underwear under a toga defeats the purpose of wearing a toga. A toga provides loose coverage and a feeling of freedom. Try wearing a toga with and without underwear and decide which feels better.

Does a jock strap count as underwear?

yes in footballNot me.No. Wearing underwear with a jock strap is the same thing as wearing two pairs of underwear at the same time, or like wearing jeans layered over sweatpants...very "Granny".a lot of people wear jock strips cuz wen they play a sport,regular underwear rides up wen u sweat and givs u a wedgie,so it kind of defeats the purposeNo Jock straps are made to replace underwear while playing a sport. Jock straps can also be used as everyday underwear but could cause "jock itch" if you don't shower after using it.

What is the main reason for wearing compression underwear?

Compression underwear is worn for one main reason, the same as all other compression wear. It keeps the muscles worm, in this case, it would be the thigh muscles.