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William Henry Harrison was president for 31 days in 1841. He died of pneumonia, which he came down with shortly after delivering his 1 hour and 40 minute long inaugural speech.

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Q: What US president the longest inaugural speech and what US president gave the shortest such speech?
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Which US President made the shortest inaugural speech?

That was George Washington's second inaugural speech in 1793. Click on the "Second George Washington Inaugural Speech" link below to read it. George Washington's 2nd inaugural address was the shortest in history.

Who was the president that had the longest inaugaral speech but had the shortest time in the office?

The Longest inaugural address, one hour and forty minutes, was given by William Henry Harrison, he as well served the shortest term as president. In giving the speech on one of the coldest day's in recorded history, there was a snowstorm as well, he didn't wear proper clothing caught pneumonia.The Shortest was George Washington's second inaugural address on March 4, 1793 consisting of only 135 words.

Who had the longest and shortest inuagural speech?

William Henry Harrison gave the longest inaugural address with 8,445 words. George Washington's second inauguration speech (in 1793) was the shortest one in US history- just 135 words.

The president had the longest inaugural speech and the shorest presidential term?

William Henry Harrison

Which president had the longest sentence in an inaugural speech over 700 words?

former Indonesian president Mr. Soekarno

How many words were in the shortest inagural speech?

135 words, was the total number of words of President George Washington's second Inaugural Address.

What is inaugural speech?

An inaugural speech is one given by the president. It is a speech that he uses to introduce himself and the plans for the country.

How many words are in Kennedy's inaugural speech?

135 words by President George Washington, made during his second inaugural address.

What is the speech that the president gives when he becomes president called?

This is called the Inaugural Address, and historically has set the tone for the policies of the individual president.

What is an inaugural speech?

A speech by the president on his or her first day of office

Does the vice president give an inaugural speech?

no only the new president gives a inaugaral speech.

Which president had a speech 3 hours long then died the next month?

President William Henry Harrison He died two weeks after his inauguration because he gave a long speech during January, a cold month, with no coat, and no hat, he contracted pneumonia, and died.