

What animals are in an open-ocean zone?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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In the open ocean you can find the Blue whale

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Q: What animals are in an open-ocean zone?
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What zones is the open-ocean zone split into?

The openocean is split into the surface zone (where light can shine through) and the deep zone (where light can't shine through. I hop this answers your question!:)

What zone is animals is located?

Teh is zone to the max lol!

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animals which live in north temperature zone, are: Monarch Butterfly Some species of Frog

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many marine animals such as dolphins

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animals like the capybara jaguar and the pandaA torrid zone is also commonly referred to as a tropical zone. Some of the animals you may find in these areas include parrots, toucans, capybaras, and jaguars.

What TV animals live in surface zone?

the animals that are on tv that live inteh zurface zone are sea turtles dolphins and much more

What are some animals in the benthopelagic zone?

The Ngege