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He invented the a refrigerator compressor having no moving parts, so it needed no seals.

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Q: What are 10 things Albert Einstein invented?
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When was Albert Einstein dad born?

Hermann Einstein (Albert Einstein's dad) was born in August 30Th 1837 Buchau, Wuerttemberg, October 10, 1902 Milan

How many inventions did Albert Einstein have in his whole entire life?


How much percent did albert Einstein of his brain use?

about 10%

How old was Albert Einstein when his sister was born?

he was 10 years old.

Who said genius is 10 percent and 90 percent is presparation?

Albert Einstein

How much did Albert Einstein sleep?

10 hours a day, 11 if he was working on an invention.

Name at least 10 foreign scientist give contributions to science?

Albert Einstein

How did Albert Einstein make pi?

Greek mathematician Archimedes correctly calculated that the value was between 3 10/70 and 3 10/71. Albert Einstein was not present at the time. And By the way, Einstein made Pi with his birth itself as he was born on March 14th, which is 3.14 (Approx value of Pi).

How much brain power did albert Einstein use?

Albert einstein was an amazingly intelligent man. Normal human beings use about 10% of there brain "Power" but Albert on the other hand used a lot more than the average human being. It has been scientifically studied and scientist say that Albert used about 20% of his brain "Power". But there is someone who used even more than Albert Einstein.

Is Albert Einstein the smartest man in the world?

idk but sciences say we use 1% of our brains and albert used 10% soo add thst up bro

Why did Albert Einstein chose his career?

Because he always LOVED math and physics since he was 8-10 years old

Did Einstein get enough sleep when he was young?

Albert Einstein mentioned, as an adult, that in order to function in top form, he needed at least 10 hours of sleep, however, there are no reports of inadequate sleep as a child. Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany.