

What are Hinduism practices?

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9y ago

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Hindu practices to have a clean body and mind.All the Hindu rituals advocate good tradition to have a peaceful coexistence.

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Q: What are Hinduism practices?
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A person who adheres to Hinduism is called Hindu.

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a person who practices Hinduism is called a Hindu. Moreover followers or practicers of Hinduism are known as Hindus follow the rules of Vedas.

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Hinduism practices both yoga as well as meditiaiton.

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According to Hinduism followers worship God everyday. They pray and help others if possible.

How does Hinduism influence people?

Hinduism influences people through its teaching, philosophies and religious practices. Hinduism is a product of Indus Valley Civilization and religious influences.

In what ways is Hinduism especially related to the land of India?

Hinduism was originally discovered being practiced in India. Hinduism translates to "Indianism," which is what the immigrating Aryans called the ancient religion. Much of India's population today practices Hinduism, and it is the major religion of the country. About 83 percent of India practices Hinduism. This religion eventually spread, but its roots remain in India.

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What are some practices of Hinduism?

They worship god regularly.They are honest.They love all.