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Poets use vivid and descriptive words, known as imagery, to create detailed and sensory experiences in the minds of readers. By incorporating sensory language related to sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell, poets can evoke emotions and paint vibrant pictures that engage the reader's imagination. Through carefully chosen words and metaphors, poets tap into the power of language to convey their intended messages and themes effectively.

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Q: What type of words do poets use to create images in readers minds and how do they use them?
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How doES poets usually give readers information in what way?

Poets usually give readers information through the use of imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. These elements help create vivid and evocative descriptions that convey emotions, themes, and ideas in a layered and rich manner. By carefully selecting words and crafting poetic devices, poets engage readers in a deeper exploration of the subject matter.

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Authors and poets can give readers information for their poem by using a preface. A preface is a type of introduction that lets readers know what to expect.

Do poets use words or pictures to create an image in the readers mind?

Poets primarily use words to create an image in the reader's mind. Through careful selection of language and descriptive details, poets evoke sensory experiences and emotions in the reader's imagination. While some poets may incorporate visual elements in their work, the foundation of their craft lies in linguistic expression.

What is Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the 5 senses poets often paint images or word pictures that also appeal to your senses?

Words or phrases that appeal to the senses are known as imagery. Poets use imagery to create vivid mental pictures by appealing to the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. This helps readers to experience the poem more deeply and emotionally.

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The most common convention in poetry is the use of figurative language, such as similes, metaphors, and imagery, to convey emotions, ideas, and themes in a creative and impactful way. These poetic devices help poets create vivid and evocative images that resonate with readers.

How can poetry best be definedAccording to What Is Poetry what do literary poets create that allow readers to gain a greater awareness of their world?

Poetry can be defined as a form of literary expression that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to evoke emotion and convey meaning. Literary poets create works that use vivid imagery, symbolism, and figurative language to help readers gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

What do literary poets create for the reader?

Literary poets create a unique form of artistic expression through words that evoke emotions, portray vivid imagery, and explore themes and ideas. They offer readers a deeper understanding of the human experience and invite them to engage with complex emotions and thoughts.

Trying to analyze a poem is that poets are trying to what?

Poets may use their poems to convey emotions, capture experiences, express thoughts, create imagery, or provoke reflections. Through their poetic language and structure, poets aim to engage readers and evoke a range of responses and interpretations. Analyzing a poem helps readers uncover the layers of meaning, symbolism, and themes embedded within the text.

Why do you put symbols in poetry?

Symbols are used in poetry to add deeper layers of meaning and convey complex ideas in a more metaphorical or abstract way. By using symbols, poets can evoke emotions, create connections between ideas, and encourage readers to interpret the work on a deeper level. Symbols can also help create images that resonate with the reader and enhance the overall impact and depth of the poem.

Images of poets like Kabir and Rahim?

I'm unable to display images as I am a text-based AI.However, you can easily find images of poets like Kabir and Rahim by doing a quick search on the internet. They were prominent figures in Indian literature and their images are readily available.

Why does Wordsworth feel that poets should use simple and unelaborated expressions?

Wordsworth believed that using simple and unelaborated expressions allowed poets to convey their emotions and thoughts in a more authentic and genuine way. He felt that this approach helped to connect with the natural and emotional experiences of readers, creating a deeper and more profound impact on their hearts and minds.

Why poets sometimes change their images in a second draft?

the images in a first draft may not quite fit the poem as a whole