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Depends on how much you want to spend and who the party is for. Theme parties are always popular. From Superman party to Bollywood party the options are plenty. Please have a look at the following articles

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14y ago

There are so many Teen Party Ideas for you to think about. The best way to decide upon a party theme for your teenager is to dicuss it with them. What are their favorites? Music, sports, hobbies? Plan your theme around your teenager to personalize it.

There are plenty of websites you can check to see other people's ideas for teenage parties if you do an online search.

There are so many ideas! You and your teenager are going to have lots of fun planning a teenage party!


I am currently planning my 14th bday.heres some of my ideas

-truth or dare but cover different food in choc for the dare and put truth on paper inside balloons.pop a balloon to find your truth.

-movies! make sure they are all allowed to watch


-singstar!or kareoke

- each person has a plate of whipped cream.bubble gum underneath.the first person to get the bubble gum out (withouthands) and to blow the bubble is the winner! might get a bit messy so cut out a head and arm holes in rubbish bags to keep outfit safe

-chocolate game

:) hope this helped


At the end of the day, (being a teenager) we all really enjoy just having a house party, with good music, loud speakers and dressing up themes are good aswell. We tend to entertain ourselves but the games such as truth & dare, spin the bottle get played alot. It also depends on the age group and whether your having girls and boys together, which most parties i go to happens. In this case good music, food and drink go down well. If your budget can stretch hiring a hall, hotel party room, "big space" or even having a marquee in the garden are good ideas if you don't want your house trashed! :)


Have a mall scavenger hunt! Have teams picked out and have team names (ex: Team Monkey and Team Frog) and then have a sheet of paper, a camera, and maybe like $20! then have wacky things on the sheet of paper from them to do (ex: take a picture with a hot guy, take a picture with an ugly guy) This is for all teens! I am almost 13 and this is what I'm doing! If u do this u will have so much fun! =p


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14y ago

The rules of "Tag" could be amended so that each team has one person who is the tagger, who must tag the members of the other side (including the other tagger). Upon being tagged, such player can only be freed by someone in their team circling them three times. However, if someone is tagged more than three times, they switch teams (and/or become a tagger). It's up to you how you want make the teams look different, but I normally get one team to put roll their sleeves up.

"Softball" is a game played time after time by my children's friends. This is Baseball, but using a ball made of sponge and a tennis bat. Each team will take it in turns to bat and field.

Another game which is great fun is "Fancy Dress Racing". The group is split and a small track (maybe about ten metres long) is marked out. It is a relay game, and each player runs the track and back , before slapping the hand of the next person who is required to do the same thing until all members have run the track. However, I like to mix it up by putting some items of clothing for each team (like a coat, a pair of stockings and some big accessories) at the start of the track, so that each runner has to change into (and out of!) the collection.

"Make Your Own Princess" is one of my daughters' favorites. You'll need to provide a few old scraps of material or some of my throw away clothes. Each team has to dress one of their team up as a princess. It's a race against the clock and if both teams succeed at the same time, you'll have to select which girl is the most princess-like!

My girls also love "Stitched As One", where the team has to thread a piece of rope through everyone's clothes (e.g. t-shirts and pants) to tie the team together. The winning team is the one which is the most tightly stitched together.

"Wink Spotlight" is a game my daughters love. One player chooses to leave the room as the 'Casting Agent'. Everyone closes their eyes and you need to move through the group and tap one person on the shoulder as the 'DJ'. You then tell the players to open their eyes and you bring the Casting Agent back into the room. The goal of the DJ is to wink at all the players other than the Casting Agent before the Casting Agent finds out who the DJ is. When winked at, each player must sing a quick sample of their favorite tune (and if they would prefer, they do something which makes it clear to the Casting Agent that they were winked at!).

Games using blindfolds are also lots of fun. You could play "Who Am I?" by having someone blinded and getting such player to guess the other players by touching their faces (or legs).

Games using Frisbees are also a laugh. One example is where everyone stands in a circle. The Frisbee is tossed from one player to another. Where one of the players drops the Frisbee, they have to put one of their hands behind their back; if they drop the Frisbee a second time, they have to kneel down, and so on.

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13y ago

Why not try a fondue party for your next upcoming event! It's fun, easy and fairly inexpensive while keeping everyone engaged around the kitchen, dining room or living room where you can set it all up. Here are more ideas and recipes for a fondue party:

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13y ago

There are lots of great party ideas or girls, depending on their age and interests. Here are a few suggestions:

* Sleep Over Party

* Spa Party

* Fairy Party

* Princess Party

* Butterfly or Ladybug Party

* Tea Party

* Girls Rock Party

* Cowgirl Party

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11y ago

Going on vacations and sending them lots of gifts.

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Where can I find a list of great party games?

The determining factor in this answer is what kind of games; adult/crazy fun or adult/dignified fun? For the adult/crazy fun game party I would suggest checking out for the Top 15 Best Drinking Games...let the party begin! To host a more dignified party with games I would recommend taking a good look at This website is by Andrea Campbell author of the books Great games for Great parties and Perfect Party Games.