

What are helicases?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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16y ago

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a class of organaic moleicules, each having a double ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms

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Q: What are helicases?
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What is the main difference between DNA helicases and DNA molecules?

DNA helicases are proteins, while DNA molecules are nucleotides.

What enzyme is used to unzip DNA?

The helicase enzymes are used to unzip DNA. There are 31 specific DNA helicases. There are 95 unique helicases in the human genome.

DNA replication results in two identical DNA molecules. What role do DNA helicases have in DNA replication?

DNA helicases break the hydrogen bonds in the DNA molecule

What holds the DNA helicases apart?

Single Strand Binding Proteins

How do DNA gyrases and helicases differ in their respective functions and modes of action?

Helicases are involved in the unwinding of DNA double helix at the replication fork. When one part of the DNA is unwound the other part is overwound which exerts strain. DNA gyrases introduces negative supercoiling to reduce the strain.

True or false Helicases unwind the double helix of DNA by breaking the nitrogen bonds that link the hydrogen bases?

Hydrogen bonds.

What enzyme unzips the DNA molecule?

There are several enzymes that 'unzip' DNA. These enzymes are collectively known as DNA helicases. DNA helicases are helix-destabilizing enzymes that bind to DNA at the origin of replication and break hydrogen bonds, thereby separating the two strands. This allows RNA polymerase to begin transcription (copying) of the DNA sequence.

What enzymes aid in the process of DNA replication?

There are many enzymes involved in the process of DNA replication.The main ones are DNA Helicases, DNA Polymerases and DNA Ligases.DNA Helicases are responsible for "unzipping", or separating, the two strands of DNA so that replication can begin.DNA Polymerases are responsible for adding nucleotides to the strand of DNA that is being created.DNA Ligases are responsible for joining newly created segments of DNA together (most notably the fragments created on the lagging strand).

What is the helicase enzyme?

Unwinds the DNA during DNA replication and Trancription

Explain the replication of DNA Include the role of helicase?

1. Helicases unwind the double helix at the replication fork and single strand binding proteins (SSBs) stablilize unwound DNA ahead of the fork.

How do helicases unwind a double helix?

Helicase uses free energy from ATP to break the hydrogen bonds between the double helix of the DNA. It breaks the bonds between adenine and thymine, and guanine and cytosine. This unzips the double helix structure.

What unwinds a segment of DNA to make mRNA?

an enzyme (i answered my own question ha ha! progress!)