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cons: ignorance , racistism. pros: better life and job

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13h ago

Pros of assimilation: promotes unity and social cohesion by creating a shared cultural identity, enhances communication and understanding among diverse groups, and can lead to increased opportunities for social and economic integration.

Cons of assimilation: may erase individual cultural identities and traditions, can lead to marginalization and discrimination of cultural minorities, and may perpetuate power imbalances and inequalities within society.

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Should you use an apostrophe with pros?

If you are referring toward the term "pros and cons" an apostrophe is not used. An apostrophe is used when referring to "professionals", as it is the contracted form of the word.

What does the Portuguese word con mean in English?

"Con" is not listed in the Brazilian portuguese dictionary. It is used, as it is in english, along with "pros", meaning "the pros and cons" of something, which means, the negative and the positive points of something.

Explain pros and cons of making English the official language of the US?

Pros of making English the official language of the US include fostering national unity, ensuring clear communication in government proceedings, and encouraging assimilation of immigrants into American society. However, it may also lead to exclusion of non-English speakers, limit linguistic diversity, and create barriers for access to services for those who are not proficient in English.

What are the pros and cons of dying languages?

Pros of dying languages: every language is a part of human history which reveals something about the culture and thought processes of those who spoke it, and which contributes to our general knowledge of linguistics. Cons of dying languages: there are already many more languages spoken on Earth than any one person could ever learn. If some of them are going to die, that just simplifies the problem of how people on Earth can communicate with each other.

What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation?

assimilation = applying pre existing knowledge to a new situation