

What are reasons we have Barack Obama as president?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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In 2008, Americans were ready for a change. They were tired of the Bush administration and the policies of the Republican party, and they wanted something different. The War in Iraq was increasingly unpopular, and the Republican party was mired in scandal. John McCain, the Republican candidate for president, was admired as a war hero but perceived as someone who was old and out of touch, as well as someone who would carry on the unpopular Bush administration policies.

Barack Obama was perceived as someone entirely new: he was youthful, a dynamic speaker, and he offered a more hopeful vision for the future. Also, the fact that he was African-American appealed to many people, since electing the first black president was very exciting to young voters and ethnic minorities. Thus, Mr. Obama was perceived as the right candidate to take the country in a better direction; that is why he won the presidency.

If you are asking why he was re-elected in 2012, there were a number of reasons, most notable of which were that his opponent Mitt Romney did not run an effective campaign; he was perceived as someone who only cared about the wealthy, and he did not really connect with a number of different groups needed to win an election: Hispanic-Americans, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, single women, gay people, etc. Mr. Obama was able to dominate among these various groups, while Mr. Romney mainly dominated with white southern voters and religious voters. Further, the Republican party had moved very far to the right on a number of issues, and many independents decided to vote for President Obama as a result.

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