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For the flagellum....i guess u could do a motor, or an engine from a car. For Golgi could do like a mail room... For the Golgi Apparatus, I would put Fedex because they basically revieve mail and redistribute it. Or li

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9y ago

Cilia and flagellum can be compared to the wheels on a car. They are used for cellular movement and get the cell to different parts of the body.

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Q: What are some analogies for Golgi apparatuses and flagellum?
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What has flagellum?

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What organelles are inside a sperm cell?

mitochondria, nucleus, cytoskeleton (but cytoskeleton should not count as an organelle since it is just a protein network in cytoplasm). Sperm cells probably also have some endoplasmic reticulum and some other organelles.

Is the flagellum found in plant or animal cells?

Flagellum can be found in some prokaryote and eukaryote cells but not in plant cells. Plant cells have cell walls to provide rigidness and that would contrast with flagellum, which purpose is to allow flexibility and movement.

Do eukaryotes have flagella?

It is normal for the euglena to have a flagellum. Of course, any creature can suffer a trauma, or a birth defect or illness, or mutation, which can cause it to lose a part of its normal anatomy. I'm sure that there do exist some euglena which are missing the flagellum, much as there are some people who are missing legs.

What is a specific organism that has flagellum?

A euglena has a flagellum, they use it to move around their habitat which is mainly pond water, some water has so many, it turns green.