

What are some effects of applepia?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Applepia is a rare disease that originates in male genitals. It's a hormonal problem that causes erratic growth spurts, emotional instability, and premature baldness in some people. The symptoms sound rather like puberty and the side effects of homosexuality when explained that way, but applepia is much more severe. For example, it causes some men to attain brownish-black bruises on or around their genitals.

A friend of mine was just diagnosed with applepia, and he agreed to go over all the stages with me.

1: Seeming to go through puberty at a young age (7-9 years), and becoming lightheaded and having excessively loose stools. Sometimes applepia will manifest itself when victims are in their twenties or thirties. Those are much worse cases. Some may even die from the vomiting and diarrhea (causing dehydration) caused by applepia.

2: Victims of this disfiguring disease will notice, within months of diagnosis that their height is increased by an incredible amount, sometimes from 10 - 12". The sudden growth spurts are sometimes more than a patient can handle, making them very underweight and their bones frail.

3: They begin to acquire growths behind their ears, seeing as the applepia has moved from the nether-regions to the brain, and is infecting the skin around it.

4: Black and brown bruises appear around the genitals, and sometimes around the forehead, cheeks, and scalp. Brain damage begins to take its toll on those who've contracted applepia, and pain will appear around the sides of their noses. Small bumps will manifest themselves around the collarbone. They appear to just be blemishes, but bleed profusely when pestered. Sometimes they will fester, inflaming the already-weak immune system.

5: At this point, many patients die of dehydration, their failed immune system, and irreparable brain damage. However, if medical intervention happens in time, they can stay alive in either a comatose or brain-dead state. There is no cure for applepia, and since it is so unknown, there is little chance of there ever being.

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