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some retards think that removing growth cells from an embryo is murder even though it has no consciousness and is not classified as 'alive'.

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Q: What are some ethical issues involvingstem cell research?
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What are two ways that technology may address the ethical concerns related to stem cell research?

Human embryonic stem cell research is controversial because the arguments for it andsagainst it both involve ethical issues of life and death.

Should scientists be permitted to clone humans?

This matter involves important moral and ethical issues. For the time being, the answer must be "no"; but that is not to say that we should not allow embro and/or stem-cell research.

How would you go about doing a research paper on supporting adult stem cell research without getting into the ethical issues?

Why including the ethical question is important.... contrary to the above reply research into this subject is very important, as with all ethical and scientific issues where large amounts of public and private funds are being used. as I'm sure you are aware the ethics of stem cell research are a key part of the debate (e.g. women's rights, ownership of DNA material, ethics of paying for donations, possible scientific uses of stem cells) - and also an area where education about the differences between adult and embryonic stem cell sources is key - to make an argument supporting adult stem cell research without getting acknowledging the key ethical issues would suggest that you are uniformed about the subject matter. to provide a convincing argument the ethics should be covered and an argument put forward, including how ethics can be considered and integrated into the research process, and why ultimately you feel that the benefits of this research outweigh ethical concerns. there are actually no ethical issues abwt adult (somatic) stem cells. They are a completely different type of stem cell to the embryonic stem cells you are refering to. embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos and that's where all the ethics are but somatic stem cells are derived from anywhere on the human body that has stem cells e.g bone marrow, brain cells etc. and humans are not killed by taking them. so don't worry to much about the ethical issues accept for the possible ability of splicing genes, designer babies and cloning but that's a long way off.

What is the solution to stem cell research?

There is no solution to stem cell research. It is hotly and highly debated. There are a number of ethical and moral concerns. This will not be resolved any time soon.

Discuss the ethical dilemmas with stem cell research specifically with the use of embryonic stem cells?


What is the use of stem cells an ethical concern?

There was ethical concern over stem cell research because of where they originally collected stem cell from. They first thought that only aborted babies had the stem cells we were looking for, but they're not used anymore.

What are some ethical issues that asthma brings up?

Asthma isn't exactly a controversial topic like Abortion or Stem Cell research, however the fact that over 250,000 people die a year from Asthma attacks does raise some questions as to why treatment isn't improving as fast as we would hope it to.

What are issues not directly addressed or communicated in scripture?

There are many issues not directly addressed or communicated in Scripture. One is abortion. Abortion is not explicitly addressed in Scripture, although an argument could be made that there are many texts which point against abortion, but these are implicit, and not explicit. Also, what about artificial contraception or embryonic stem cell research or organ donations? These are all moral issues which are not directly touched upon in Scripture, which is why Catholics believe that there needs to be a teaching authority to determine what is moral for modern ethical issues.

What are bioethical issues?

bioethical issue is concerned with the morality of various issues that concern our human body from conception till death; anything from abortion to stem cell and organ donation. For example: Is it ethical to use birth control pills in general? Is it ethical for a hospital to use an organ from a person who has 99% chance of death into another patient who has 10% chance?

What issues are not affected by religious attitudes?

Religious attitudes may affect various aspects of life, but some issues that may not be directly influenced by religious attitudes include scientific facts, mathematical principles, and certain philosophical debates that do not inherently involve moral or ethical considerations.

Why do ethical issues arise?

Probably because of the scientific advance in the 20th Century. Stem cell scientists have reached the point of cloning humans and engineers made the first human-like robots.

Should there be a limit on the use of biotechnological advancements in science details on the subject matter?

There are ethical constraints in Biotechnology research. It is said that life must be preserved and protected. Humans have devised technologies to develop plants and animals into high yielding varieties through traditional and genetic breeding methods. There are ethical issues surrounding stem cell research and the cloning of primates. There cannot be a limit on advancement. Scientific advancement is practically limitless. However, the pace with which technology is progressing has led policy makers to temporarily halt certain advancements until a firm understanding of the implications are obtained.