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If you have already discussed your relationship with her...whether it is a monogomous relationshipor not...(You both must agree on these things first)...AND IF you BOTH have already said "I love you"and really meant it. Or are you just "in love" with LOVE? Have you even spoken to each other about about marriage yet?...even generally speaking?...Make sure it's REALLY WHAT YOU WANT FIRST! I would JUST ASK HER...simply: "How do you feel about marriage?" Then, depending upon HER ANSWER to that...(and both your feelings about each other...I assume you DO LOVE HER and that SHE ALSO LOVES YOU!)I would then just say,"I really love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you marry me?" If you are a real romantic, maybe ask her somewhere special that means a lot to you both. While holding her hands, look into her eyes and say, "I cannot imagine you NOT being with me everyday for the rest of my life. You are my best friend and everything...I really want you to be my wife."

...and REMEMBER...It is supposed to be forever!Never go into a marriage with the idea "IF it doesn't work we can always get divorced," because then you're just setting yourself up for a rocky marriage before you even start! Don't just ask someone because you think they are beautiful...that's the WORST REASON!...OR just because it is "time" to get married. (Sometimes beautiful on the outside may not be so beautiful on the inside. You really need to KNOW THE PERSON WELL FIRST, on the inside...IF you know what I mean!) You won't find out the little things that bother you about each other, until you live together most times.

I believe you both (really), SHOULD BE BEST FRIENDS;that is very important as well as love. You don't say anything about you and your girlfriend or your relationship, so just think with your head and your heart, before you act. You don't want to ask her prematurally, then realize you've made a BIG MISTAKE and that she is a wack or something...and then, want to "take it back!" (You can, but it really isn't nice...Don't ask unless you both really do love each other and you KNOW IT FOR SURE!) There are never any guarantees in life, especially with marriage...Things do happen...people grow (emotionally) at different times and may have different needs at different times...You will need to make many adjustments in each of your lives continually, IF you both want to make it work...LOVE ALONE won't be enough! (Unfortunately 25% of marriages end in divorce; you don't want to be just another statistic). Have a good job as well, money IS important. You just do your best and always think about the other's feelings FIRST, (before you say or do anything) and you'll probably be okay. One more thing, which is very important (constant), daily communication. Speak to each other, often and don't forget to say..."I LOVE YOU," every-day.

I hope you don't mind, I gave you some advice and some things just to think about, before you ask her. One usually knows how the other feels if they've been dating a long while and have been serious with one another (relationship-wise). Sometimes you meet someone and you just KNOW they're the ONE! Good luck and congratulations! Lisa

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8y ago

It probably depends on the girl's personality and likes/dislikes. For instance, if she's the type of person who embarrasses easily, she probably wouldn't like it if you made a big showy marriage proposal in a public place. Take a look at the types of things she likes. If she likes music, perhaps you could sing it to her or hire someone to do it; if she likes poetry, you could write it in a poem, if she's an outdoorsy girl, you could take her out on a boat or horseback riding and then pop the get the idea. Good luck!

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15y ago

take her to a romantic place or somewhere she really enjoys being, such as over a nice romantic dinner, or in a park! Tell her how you really feel

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13y ago

trust your heart, if it i meant to be it is meant to be

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Q: What are some ways to ask a girl to marry you?
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