

What are texturizers?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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15y ago

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Textures are how surfaces feel. Textures are described by how they feel to the touch (rough, scaly, smooth). If you can't touch an object, the texture can be deduced by looking at how light hits it.

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Q: What are texturizers?
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What is the difference between texturzier and a perm?

A texturizer is a mild relaxer but a relaxer nonetheless. The only difference between the two is the amount of time left on the head. Where as you'd leave a relaxer on for 20 minutes, you usually leave texturizers on for about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your hair texture. Texturizers are supposed to make the hair more "manageable", which is also debatable. Texturizers are usually used to loosen the hair's natural curl pattern. Texturizers will NOT give your hair a curl pattern it doesn't naturally have. Some debate that texturizers are healthier for your hair than relaxers.

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The same exact way relaxers do. Chemicals alter your hair & make the wave or curl pattern loosen.

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there are some for mixed kids they are called texturizers but they are not good for biracial hair i used one and my hair got worse then it already was...

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No - texturizers contain CHEMICALS, but that does not necessarily mean natural hair is automatically healthier. There are people who have healthy chemically-treated hair & there are girls with natural hair who have unhealthy hair.

What Are the negative effects of Texturizers on hair?

A texturizer is a chemical hair straightening product that loosens the hair's curl without making it completely straight. Because it is a chemical hair straightener, it has many of the effects of a traditional hair relaxer.

What is worse for your hair a perm or a relaxer?

Both are equally as damaging - same for texturizers. They all contain the same chemicals.

Can straightening a perm destroy your hair?

Any perm can destroy youir hair.They have those awful damaging chemicals in their products.Well texturizers does the ame thing.But actually their making money off their products you keep buying that's keep breaking up your hair.I mean you can starighten your hair with a straight iron.or style and curl it anyway you liek without a perm.

What is wasabe made of?

Wasabi is a root like like horseradish. Wasabi paste is usually mixed with color and texturizers (starch, oil) to give it the color and consistency we associate with it. This is what's in S & B Wasabi Paste: HORSERADISH, HUMECTANT:E420, RICE BRAN OIL, SALT, DEXTRIN, WASABI JAPONICA, POTATO STARCH, WATER, FLAVOURING, TURMERIC, ACID:E330, THICKENER:E415, COLOURING:E133 Note that the first ingredient is actually horseradish and not wasabi!

What word starts with x and contains a z?

Seeing as this question is posted in the Scrabble category, I've added some shorter words found in the Scrabble Tournament Words List, 2006 edition: zax, zaxes, oxazine, oxazines, oxidize, oxidizes, oxidizer (Zex and zexes also appear in other dictionaries, but not the Scrabble dictionary) - - -- --- anaxagorize, antibenzaldoxime, antioxidizer, antioxidizing, autoxidizability, autoxidizable, autoxidize, autoxidizer, axiomatization, axiomatizations, axiomatize, axiomatized, axiomatizes, axiomatizing, azodicarboxylic, azox, azoxazole, azoxime, azoxine, azoxonium, azoxy, azoxyanisole, azoxybenzene, azoxybenzoic, azoxynaphthalene, azoxyphenetole, azoxytoluidine, benzaldoxime, benzantialdoxime, benzdioxazine, benzdioxdiazine, benzdioxtriazine, benzhydroxamic, benzofuroquinoxaline, benzoglyoxaline, benzoperoxide, benzophenoxazine, benzoquinoxaline, benzoxate, benzoxy, benzoxyacetic, benzoxycamphor, benzoxyphenanthrene, benztrioxazine, chlordiazepoxide, chlordiazepoxides, contextualization, contextualizations, contextualize, contextualized, contextualizes, contextualizing, decarboxylization, decarboxylize, deflexionize, deoxidization, deoxidizations, deoxidize, deoxidized, deoxidizer, deoxidizers, deoxidizes, deoxidizing, deoxygenization, deoxygenize, deoxygenized, deoxygenizes, deoxygenizing, desoxybenzoin, dextrinize, dextrosazone, diazeuxes, diazeuxis, diazohydroxide, dooxidize, doxologize, doxologized, doxologizing, dysoxidizable, dysoxidize, epizeuxes, epizeuxis, epizeuxises, epoxidize, epoxidized, epoxidizes, epoxidizing, exauthorize, exauthorizeexc, excrementize, excursionize, excursionized, excursionizes, excursionizing, exhibitionize, existentialize, exoenzyme, exoenzymes, exoenzymic, exorcization, exorcize, exorcized, exorcizement, exorcizer, exorcizers, exorcizes, exorcizing, exordize, exostracize, experimentalize, experimentalized, experimentalizes, experimentalizing, experimentize, expermentized, expertize, expertized, expertizes, expertizing, extemporization, extemporizations, extemporize, extemporized, extemporizer, extemporizers, extemporizes, extemporizing, extensivization, extensivizations, exteriorization, exteriorizations, exteriorize, exteriorized, exteriorizes, exteriorizing, externalization, externalizations, externalize, externalized, externalizes, externalizing, externization, externize, exterritorialize, extrahazardous, extraquiz, extravaganza, extravaganzas, extrazodiacal, exzodiacal, fuzzbox, fuzzboxes, hexahydrobenzene, hexametrize, hexametrized, hexametrizes, hexametrizing, hydroxyazobenzene, hydroxybenzene, hydroxylization, hydroxylize, hydroxyzine, hydroxyzines, hyperdiazeuxis, hyperoxygenize, hyperoxygenized, hyperoxygenizing, hypodiazeuxis, hypozeuxis, inoxidizable, inoxidize, inoxidized, inoxidizing, iodoxybenzene, isazoxy, isoalloxazine, isoalloxazines, isocarboxazid, isocarboxazids, isoxazine, isoxazole, lexicalization, lexicalizations, lexicalize, lexicalized, lexicalizes, lexicalizing, lexiconize, maxillozygomatic, maximization, maximizations, maximize, maximized, maximizer, maximizers, maximizes, maximizing, mazopexy, methoxybenzene, metoxazine, nonexternalized, nonoxidizable, nonoxidization, nonoxidizing, orthoxazin, orthoxazine, overoxidization, overoxidize, overoxidized, overoxidizing, oxadiazole, oxazepam, oxazepams, oxazin, oxazine, oxazines, oxazole, oxdiazole, oxidizability, oxidizable, oxidization, oxidizations, oxidize, oxidized, oxidizement, oxidizer, oxidizers, oxidizes, oxidizing, oxozone, oxozonide, oxozonides, oxyazo, oxybenzaldehyde, oxybenzene, oxybenzoic, oxybenzyl, oxygenizable, oxygenization, oxygenize, oxygenized, oxygenizement, oxygenizer, oxygenizes, oxygenizing, oxymetazoline, oxymetazolines, oxyphenbutazone, oxyphenbutazones, oxytonize, paroxazine, paroxytonize, peroxidize, peroxidized, peroxidizement, peroxidizes, peroxidizing, phenoxazine, phenoxybenzamine, photooxidize, photooxidized, photooxidizes, photooxidizing, protoxidize, protoxidized, quixotize, recontextualize, recontextualized, recontextualizes, recontextualizing, reoxidize, reoxidized, reoxidizes, reoxidizing, reoxygenize, rhizotaxis, rhizotaxy, schizaxon, semiexternalized, semioxidized, semioxygenized, skeezix, squeezebox, squeezeboxes, sulfamethoxazole, sulfamethoxazoles, sulfisoxazole, sulphamethoxazole, sulphamethoxazoles, sulphisoxazole, taxidermize, taxidermized, taxidermizes, taxidermizing, texturize, texturized, texturizer, texturizers, texturizes, texturizing, toxosozin, trioxazine, underoxidize, underoxidized, underoxidizing, unoxidizable, unoxidized, unoxygenized, zanthoxyl, zanthoxyls, zanthoxylum, zax, zaxes, zeaxanthin, zelatrix, zelatrixes, zeroaxial, zeuxite, zeuxites, zex, zexes, zoopraxiscope, zootaxies, zootaxonomist, zootaxy, zootoxic, zootoxin, zootoxins, zooxanthella, zooxanthellae, zooxanthin, zygomaticomaxillary, zygomaxillare, zygomaxillary, zygotaxis, zymotoxic