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The electrostatic force of attraction between electrons and nucleus was likened to the gravitational force of attraction between the revolving planets and the Sun.

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Q: What are the advantages of Rutherford's atomic model?
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What is the rutherfords atomic model?

Because Joel is the man

How did Neils Bohr revise Rutherfords atomic model?


Who atomic model determined that an atoms positive charge is concentrated in the atoms center?

This is the Rutherford model.

How did Rutherfords work help form the present day model of a atom?

The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

When was rutherfords model created?

Rutherfords Model is Rutherfords Model... thats it, its just a model.. go look it up on google images im sure you will figure it out by then.

What is the difference between Thomsons atomic model and Rutherfords atomic model?

Thomson's model was the "Plum Pudding model" because it had electrons "floating" around in the ball, but Rutherford's model shows the electron shells, the nucleus, and the molecular particles: neutron, proton, and electron. Hope this helps!

How did rutherfords's experimental evidence lead to the development of a atomic model?

Rutherfords gold foil experiment demonstrated the existence of the nucleus and lead to the model of a positive nucleus surrounded by electrons. This model was further developed by Bohr and then by Schroedinger and others to become the quantum mechanical model we now have with electrons in orbitals around the central positively charged nucleus..

Was Rutherfords model of an atom incorrect or incomplete?


What did rutherfords model fail to explain why elements had?


What were Lord Ernest Rutherfords Accomplishments?

he found faults in the atomic theory of jj Thompson

Rutherfords conclusion of the structure of an atom?

A short answer for the Rutherford atomic model: the atom is composed from a central part - a nucleus, positively charged, surrounded by electrons - very small negative charged particles.

How was Bohr's model similar to Rutherfords model?

It described a nucleus surrounded by a large volume of space.