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one is land and one is water! one is land and one is water!

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Q: What are the differences and similarities between turtles and tortoises?
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Are turtles and tortoises the same thing?

Tortoises and Turtles are both in the reptilia genus and both have similarities but tortoises live on land wile turtles live in water.

Do turtles and tortoises have the same DNA?

Turtles and Tortoises have highly similar DNA, as tortoises are a subgroup of turtles.

What is the difference between box turtes and tortoises?

Box turtles can close their shells tortoises can't.

Difference between tortoise and turtle?

Turtles live in or near to water while tortoises live on dry land.

What is the difference between turtles and tortoises?

While similar (both have shells) the tortoise lives on land, and is a herbivore. The turtle lives in water, and is an omnivore. They can be distinguished by the shape of their shells- turtles are streamlined for swimming and diving, tortoises are dome shaped.

What are some similarities between a turtle and tortoise?

both are reptiles and testudines. their limbs are quite similar 2Turtles and tortoises make up the order Testudines in the class Reptilia. Tortoises make up the family Testudinidae in the order Testudines. Tortoises live entirely on land. Aquatic turtles come onto land to mate and lay eggs, and some hibernate in burrows during the winter. Turtles and tortoises are cold blooded except for Leatherback sea turtles that produce internal heat in their muscles while swimming. Most turtles are omnivores, although some seagoing turtles are carnivores. Tortoises are generally herbivores, although some have been known to scavenge carrion. Tortoises and turtles are toothless, but have hard rough tongues and plates on their jaws with which they are able to grind their food. Tortoises have much thicker and heavier shells that tortoises. Aquatic turtles that seldom leave the water have the lightest and thinnest shells. Turtles and tortoises are very similar in anatomy and physical characteristics.Turtles and tortoises have much in common, as tortoises are a branch from the much larger group of turtles. Features include a bone shell, and a neck that buckles in an 'S' curve in order to pull the head back and protect it - although sea turtles have a very reduced ability to pull their heads back.

What reptile are turtles related to?

Turtles are related to tortoises.

How do sea turtles tortoises and terrapins differ?

it depends on his characteristic

What turtles live on just land?

Tortoises belong to the family, Testudinidae, of land-dwelling turtles in the order Testudines. Despite popular belief, than turtles live in the sea, and tortoises live on land, tortoises are in fact turtles. They are not a separate group.

What's the difference between the four groups of reptiles?

The four groups of reptiles are crocodilians, lizards, snakes, and turtles, terrapins, and tortoises. Snakes have no ears or sense of hearing, and only turtles, terrapins, and tortoises have shells.

Where do yellow-legged turtles live?

In reptiles,turtles and tortoises,care of turtles

What are the three major groups of turtles?

Sea turtles, amphibios turtles, and tortoises