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Explain in your own words how you develop a behaviorally anchored rating scale. Each student should express the five steps in his or her own words. Those five steps are: 1) generate critical incidents; 2) develop performance dimensions; 3) reallocate incidents; 4) scale the incidents; and 5) develop final instrument.

A behaviorally anchored rating scale is a rating scale that is anchored with specific behavioral examples of good or poor performance. Because of the anchors, which are based on the dimensions of performance illustrated by critical incidents, a BARS combines the benefits of narratives, critical incident, and quantified scales. There are five steps required for developing a BARS. Each step is explained below.

· Step 1: Generate critical incidents. In this step, people who know the job like supervisor or job holder are asked to describe specific illustrations رسوم توضيحيةof effective and ineffective performance.

· Step 2: Develop performance dimensions. The people who know the job are then asked to cluster the incidents into a smaller set of performance dimensions and to define each dimension with a name.

· Step 3: Reallocate incidents. Another group of people, who also know the job, should reallocate the original critical incidents. They will receive the cluster definitions and the list of critical incidents. They will then reassign each incident into the cluster they think it fits best. If the assignments made by the first group and second group match well, then that critical incident is retained.

· Step 4: Scale the incidents. The second group then rates the behavior described by the incident as to how effectively or ineffectively it represents performance on the dimension.

Step 5: Develop a final instrument. Six or seven of the incidents as the dimension's behavioral anchors


- Ratings are not easily subjected to different interpretations of raters.

- It meets EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guidelines for fair employment practices, since job criterion for assessment are derived form actual job performance and are related to it.

- Give easier a feed back to explain the rating to appraise it

- Can be relative reliable


- Requires observational skill and proper determination of critical behaviors; inadequacies can lead to misleading data.

- Compilation of critical behaviors takes considerable time and effort , and recording data also involve alert and constant observations (i.e. keeping logs)

- Less preferable due to similarity to trait measures

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