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1. Forces of Nature

A. Heredity - Genetics determine sex, race, hair and eye color, physical growth. stature, and to some extent psychological uniqueness.

B. Temperament - Temperament is a characteristic psychological mood with which the child is born and includes behavioral styles of easy, slow-to-warm, and difficult. It influences interactions between the individual and their environment.

2. External Forces

A. Family - The purpose of family is protection and nurturing of its members. Functions of family include: means for survival, security, assistance with emotional and social development, assistance with maintenance of relationships, instruction about society and world, assistance in learning roles and behaviors. Family influences through its values, behaviors,beliefs, customs. and specific patterns of interaction and communication.

Ordinal position (e.g. first child, middle child) and gender influence individual's interaction and communication in family.

B. Peer groups - Peer groups provide new and different learning environment. They provide different patterns and structures of interaction and communication that require different style of behavior. Functions of peer group include allowing individual to learn about success and failure; to validate and challenge thoughts, feelings, and concepts; to receive acceptance, support, and rejection as unique persons apart from family; and to achieve group purposes by meeting demands, pressures, and expectations.

C. Life experiences - Life experiences and learning processes allow individual to develop by applying what has been learned to what needs to be learned. Learning process involves series of steps; recognition of need to know task; mastery of skills required to perform task; expertise in performing task, which expands capabilities; integration into whole functioning; and use of accumulated skills and experiences to develop repertoire of effective behavior.

D. Health environment - Level of health affects individual's responsiveness to environment and responsiveness of others to the individual.

E. Prenatal health - Preconception (e.g. genetic and chromosomal factors, maternal age, health) and postconception (e.g. nutrition, weight gain, tobacco and alcohol use, medical problems, and use of prenatal services) factors affect fetal growth and development.

F. Nutrition - Growth is regulated by dietary factors. Adequacy of nutrients influences whether and how physiological needs, as well as subsequent growth and development needs, are met.

G. Rest, sleep and exercise - Balance between rest or sleep and exercise is essential to rejuvenating the body. Disturbances diminish growth, whereas balance reinforces physiological and psychological health.

H. State of health - Illness and injury have the potential to hinder growth and development. Nature and duration of health problem influences its impact. Prolonged injury or illness may cause inability to cope and respond to demands and tasks of developmental stages.

I. Living environment - Factors affecting growth and development include season, climate, home life, and socioeconomic status.

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4d ago

Factors associated with human growth include genetics, nutrition, hormones, physical activity, and overall health. Genetics play a significant role in determining an individual's growth potential, while proper nutrition, hormone balance, regular exercise, and good health practices can support optimal growth and development throughout life. Other factors like environmental influences and socioeconomic factors can also impact growth.

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Q: What are the factors associated with human growth?
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Continue Learning about Psychology

What are psychological and physiological explanations for human growth development and behaviour?

Psychologically, human growth and behavior are influenced by cognitive development, emotional experiences, and social interactions. Physiologically, factors such as genetics, hormones, brain development, and nutrition play a crucial role in shaping growth and behavior patterns throughout the lifespan. Both psychological and physiological factors interact and intertwine to contribute to the holistic understanding of human development and behavior.

Which of the following is associated with Abraham maslow and carl rogers?

Humanistic psychology is associated with Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. They both emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior from a positive and growth-oriented perspective, focusing on concepts such as self-actualization, self-fulfillment, and personal growth.

Which of these is associated with the nature position concerning the explanation of human behavior?

The nature position concerning the explanation of human behavior emphasizes the role of genetic and biological factors in determining behavior. It suggests that traits and behaviors are primarily inherited and influenced by our biology, such as genes and brain chemistry. Nature proponents argue that these factors have a stronger influence on human behavior compared to environmental or social factors.

What is canalization in human growth and development?

Canalization in human growth and development refers to the process by which development follows a relatively fixed path, despite variations in environmental or genetic influences. It is the tendency for certain developmental outcomes to be achieved regardless of external factors, due to genetic or biological mechanisms that guide development towards a stable endpoint.

What is meant by growth and development are predictable yet unique?

This means that there are general patterns or milestones that most individuals go through as they grow and develop, but each person's specific experiences are influenced by their own genetic and environmental factors, making their growth and development unique to them.

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How many Human Growth Factors are there?

There are multiple human growth factors, with over 50 identified so far. Some common ones include insulin-like growth factor (IGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and fibroblast growth factor (FGF). These growth factors play essential roles in processes like cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation.

What of the factor effecting human growth and development?

The factors that effect human growth and development include nutrition and environmental factors. If a person does not have adequate nutrition their body can not grow properly.

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what are the human factors that affect growth and development what are the human factors that affect growth and development

What are important human growth factors?

nutrition, heredity and hormones

What are psychological and physiological explanations for human growth development and behaviour?

Psychologically, human growth and behavior are influenced by cognitive development, emotional experiences, and social interactions. Physiologically, factors such as genetics, hormones, brain development, and nutrition play a crucial role in shaping growth and behavior patterns throughout the lifespan. Both psychological and physiological factors interact and intertwine to contribute to the holistic understanding of human development and behavior.

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Economic growth that assures basic resources for the future is associated with sustainable human development. This type of development meets current needs without compromising the future.

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What are the human factors that affect growth and development?

malnutrition, problems in the human body, abuse can also affect the development of a human. considering that human growth and development is not measurable only in terms of physical changes, but in several aspects as well, it would be hard to enumerate all possible factors. Still, there is the concept of "Nature and Nurture", by which genetics plays a role/is a factor to human growth and development, and on the other side, there is the environment to consider; nutrition, pollution, society, etc. Nutrition is one of the factors that affect growth and development. Habitat, and exercise also have an impact on growth and development.

What era in human history is associated with the largest increase in the growth rate of the population?

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What does human growth and development mean?

human growth is phsical aspects of development and human development includes human growth but is also physchological aspects of development. so human growth and development is both physical and physchological aspects of development. - -

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