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Too much of a certain hormone in the body is not really good for the body as it is very harmful.

It gets to your head longterm; nervous one day, aggressive the next and unpredictable overall. You can wreck your circadian rhythm, have a panic attack, a nervous breakdown-everything goes haywire-might snap on your friends if you don't seek medical attn.

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9y ago

Your pupil get dilated. Heart rate increases. Force of contraction of heart increases. Stroke volume increases. Respiratory rate increases. Depth of respiration increases. bronchi get dilated. Respiratory secretions are inhibited. Gastrointestinal and salivary secretions are inhibited. Peristalsis is inhibited. Blood supply to muscles is increases to very high level.

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Q: How body reacts when adrenaline hormone is secreted in the blood?
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How does adrenaline travel from the gland that secreted it to the target cells that it affects?

The previous answer was wrong, adrenaline does not travel in the blood stream as it is an excepion to the usual hormones secreted from the endocrine system.

Is adrenaline an active transport or an passive transport?

Actually adrenaline is a hormone that is secreted directly from the pancreas into the blood stream to the target organ, the liver and since there is no selectively permeable membrane it must be passive transport (diffusion).

What if your body reacts to an alarm reaction by releasing what into your blood stream?

Adrenaline (epinephrine) is a hormone released from the adrenal glands and its major action, together with noradrenaline, is to prepare the body for fight or flight.

What hormone is secreted when blood glucose is high?

insulin is secreted in response to high blood sugar.

What hormone dilates bronchioles increases heart rate?

There is not an actual hormone which increases blood pressure. However, the hormone adrenaline is secreted by the pituitary gland and has the effect of speeding up the contraction of the heart muscle. In turn this leads to increased blood pressure due to Fick's Law. The stroke volume of the heart has increased so more blood is being forced through the network of blood vessels

What hormone increases your heart rate?

Two hormones that affect heart rate are epinephrine and norepinephrine. Both are actively involved with the body's stress response system. These hormones cause the body to increase heart rate so that oxygenated blood can reach muscles faster to promote more muscle strength and endurance.

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Adrenaline and noradrenaline?

Adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones are secreted in stress conditions. During this the blood vessels dilates and the heart rate increases. BUT actually the function of both the hormone is synergistic in raising the blood pressure. These also release glucose from liver and reinforce the effects of sympathetic system. In the absence of these hormones, the stress conditions are diminished.

What is the most important hormone that regulates the amount of calcium in the blood and is released when blood calcium levels drop?

The hormone is called as parathyroid hormone. It is secreted by the parathyroid glands.

What hormone is released when blood calcium levels are too high?

The hormone is called as calcitonin. This hormone is secreted by the parathyroid glands.