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All mammalian hybrids are sterile if male. The females can be subfertile.

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Q: What are the other infertile animals apart from mules and zebroid?
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Why ligers are infertile?

Ligers are infertile because since tigers and lions are different species, they can mate with each other but produce infertile offspring due to mutations that occured as the two species evolved apart from one another. Similarly, horses and donkeys can mate to produce mules, but the mules are infertile.

Why donkeys are infertile?

The offspring of a horse and a donkey is called a mule. The mules are usually infertile because they have 63 chromosomes.

Do mules need to be gelded?

Yes, mules typically are sterile but they still produce excess testosterone which can lead to behavioral problems.

What is the offspring of a mule and a hinny?

No, mules and hinny's are infertile, which means they can't breed.

What two species can produce an offspring but the offspring isn't fertile?

A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes.Of the two hybrids between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny (the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey).All male mules and most female mules are infertile.

Is it the female mule that can't reproduce?

All male mules and most female mules are infertile.

Are mules considered a species?

Donkeys? No. They are sterile Mules do not breed. They have 1 too many chromosomes wich makes them infertile.

When should you castrate mules?

You don't have to castrate them because they are genetically infertile, or cannot produce offspring.

What is the plural form of mule?

MuleExamples:A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. (singular)All male mules and most female mules are infertile. (plural)

Can I Cross a stud mule with a mare horse?

No you cant as mules are infertile, however, in very very rare cases female mules (also known as Hinnies) can reproduce, 1 in a million chance of this happening but males are 100% infertile.

Why do they create mules?

By breeding a horse and a donkey together, the offspring will be infertile due to the different chromosome pairs of the parents. Mules are known as a hybrid, they have 63 chromosome pairs that enable them to unsuccessfully reproduce.

How much babys can a liger have at once?

none, ligers can not reproduceLigers are hybrids ,they can't have babies ! infertile just like mules :)